Whenever the sister said, "Hey, why don't we help her?" I was thinking, "Nah, forget that. You should doodle on her instead." And then her very next line was, "Do you have a marker?" Twisted minds think alike.
Hero: "Oh whoops, oooh. I dropped my monster condom magic ring that I use for my magnum dong."
You said 'useless' and 'Dwarf' in the same sentence as though they weren't antonyms.
The class schedule is six days per week, but a previous chapter established that this world has six-day weeks. The students don't get any days off at all. Even with classes only being half-days, that's still pretty brutal, especially considering that the non-rich kids will have to work for food...
Something I've been noticing for a while now is that the higher-ups in the company all seem to be demons. I don't think we've seen anyone above lower management that was an animal type. The highest was that trainer pig guy. It makes me wonder if the big reveal later will be that the demons have...
I know that the MC has a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but it really seems like tempting fate a bit too much to call a dragon 'fat'.
I think it'd be hilarious if the MC is wrong, and Alfred and Prince Albert are in fact two separate people. They're besties who happen to look a lot alike, and have similar-sounding names. It'd be even funnier if both are in the same building at the same time, but not in the same room at the...
This very much reads like it was taken from someone's notes from a tabletop RPG campaign. "Went to guild. Got metal card. Went to alchemist. Paid. 3 days. Went home. Went to dungeon." While I know that this is how fantasy/isekai manga started, way back with Record of Lodoss War, we've come a...
"As a battle-mage, my lifeforce and magic power are unified into one."
On the plus side, lots more hit points. On the negative side, you're basically burning hit points to cast spells.
What Taiki should have said to that captain: "So you don't mind people being treated as objects, do you? Then you won't mind if I use you like an alter boy."
Don't you know how hot it can get conducting magic energy through that many not!Golems?
Technically, all religions are cults. The...
The robots flying down with Taiki's voice-over saying, "Please don't be scared," is an awful lot like the Biblical visitations of angels saying, "Be not afraid." Because, yeah, that's pretty scary, especially when you don't have any context for such a disturbingly strange sight.
I've been wondering something: where are they holding this tournament, and how is everyone supposed to get there if all of the bridges between nations have been destroyed?