Manabu really is a complete idiot. The poor girl might have been dying of overheating, yet he was only concerned about what he might see. I guess instead of "better dead than red", it's "better dead than showing underwear".
@Liquidxlax - An excellent suggestion!
@SveNo - Lol, those were great instructions. But depending on the people involved, they may need to be applied in the other direction as well (e.g. in Teshi's case).
Ah, Manubu's co-rep is a cutie. And they worked quite well together, so I believe they can be good friends from now on. Time for Megumi to get concerned. :)
Somebody should give Manabu a camera so that he can snap panty and boob shots like Mami does. Maybe that'll finally allow him to enjoy the magnificent views he gets to experience (since it'd be for "art"). :)
And that's when happens when you don't pay attention while walking...
I am surprised by how tame his delusions were when given the "taking care of all of your needs" card blanche.