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  1. justforthelulz

    Senpai ga Oyobidesu! - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

    I myself have mistaken many an oatmeal raisin cookie for a chocolate chip cookie, but I have never heard of anyone mistaking rum raisin ice cream for chocolate chip ice cream.
  2. justforthelulz

    Switch to Webp for images. :rejected: for compatibility issues, blame Apple

    @ShadowofOblivion Those percentages are current year from, though. @ixlone, could you please settle this?
  3. justforthelulz

    Switch to Webp for images. :rejected: for compatibility issues, blame Apple

    ~92.13% (WEBP) vs ~98.83% (PNG) Relevant responses from a previously rejected WEBP suggestion.
  4. justforthelulz

    Sei-chan Capacity Over desu! - Vol. 6 Ch. 17

    Were you the ML of another story, we would be celebrating your decisiveness. Alas, this is not your story, young one.
  5. justforthelulz

    My Life as Inukai-san's Dog - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Chinchin

    When people search for a dogsitter, this isn't exactly what they are expecting:
  6. justforthelulz

    Tanzawa Sudachi is Here! - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Holidays with Buddha

    @Chinko The "pork cutlet" joke is that "katsudon" has the same pronunciation as "katsu/victory". "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" ---> "Katsu Katsu Katsudon" The memetic "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" phrase is associated with PUBG, though it predates the...
  7. justforthelulz

    Mangadex Server Curiousity

    @S0ulReaper No, MangaDex does not an official app. See staff response here (emphasis mine, since many on this very site still think Tachiyomi is the official MD app):
  8. justforthelulz

    Jii-san To Baa-san Wakagaeru - Vol. 3 Ch. 48 - Anxiety

    Death just NOPE'D out of there.
  9. justforthelulz

    shitpost here

    @Ivegotnolife RIP @jamesthomas6 All three are still accessible (though locked, unsurprisingly), so not completely purged yet.
  10. justforthelulz

    JPEG XL and AVIF format support :rejected:

    Relevant responses from a rejected WEBP suggestion.
  11. justforthelulz

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @Richman Probably something like a weeb-ified non-lethal version of this.
  12. justforthelulz


  13. justforthelulz

    Staff Observation Thread

    Just as expected, Subject [P] is growing more brazen everyday, a danger in plain sight that must not go unchecked.
  14. justforthelulz

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @TimeVolt @Richman Even if I were/was/am part of a Super Secret Shitposting Stalker Society, I obviously couldn't tell you, since that would go against the whole "secret" part of things.
  15. justforthelulz

    Hottie of the Day

    Lava temperatures typically hover around 2000oF, which is coincidentally similar to the flame temperature of mythical phoenixes.
  16. justforthelulz

    Osananajimi no Mama ja Iya? - Vol. 2 Ch. 19

    A yandere autobiography would be a fascinating and horrifying read, depending on how far said yandere went.