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  1. justforthelulz

    Gaming rants/news (Mega Thread?)

    @Richman If your life was a manga, that would have been the catalyst for your Start of Darkness.
  2. justforthelulz

    Hitomi-chan wa Hitomishiri - Vol. 5 Ch. 54

    "Mama always said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates.', except when the chocolate is singular and not plural."
  3. justforthelulz

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @Plykiya A what?
  4. justforthelulz

    Gaming rants/news (Mega Thread?)

    Buy one, get one free!
  5. justforthelulz

    Say a funfact about literally anything

    @wowfucktron Damn, you didn't have to go so hard on the haters. Incidentally, the movie this crossover meme is based on is listed as having the seventh largest verbal "fuck" count, at least amongst English-language films.
  6. justforthelulz

    Say a funfact about literally anything

    Despite the name, pineapple on pizza is neither a creation originating from Hawaii (varying reports of either Ontario or Oregon), nor is it particularly popular in the tropical islands. The current president of Iceland once half-jokingly promised to ban the divisive and controversial fruit from...
  7. justforthelulz

    Kirei na Onee-san to Nomu Osake wa Suki desu ka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - EA Shooting Bar

    Wholesome comments section for a wholesome chapter.
  8. justforthelulz

    What would you do? - Choose a new mod?

    @blackyawgdom I'm pretty sure the OP of this topic (@Mr_Detective) has already done that to @hazzack.
  9. justforthelulz

    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 3 Ch. 32 - In which Myao mediates a reconciliation

    Collectible trading cards are a slippery slope towards digital gacha.
  10. justforthelulz

    What would you do? - Choose a new mod?

    @Ivegotnolife He stepped down because he was afraid of abusing his powers for evil.
  11. justforthelulz

    What would you do? - Choose a new mod?

    I can't believe Other is winning, while Anarchy is lagging behind.
  12. justforthelulz

    Ichizu Bitch-Chan (Web) - Ch. 44

    "Two nukes wasn't enough," an oft-repeated mantra pertaining to Japan. If anything needs to be nuked, it's the comments section.
  13. justforthelulz

    The Girl, the Shovel, and the Evil Eye - Vol. 2 Ch. 11.3

    Can Light Novel readers spoil me on how the Leeseheimer Debt plot point gets resolved? 1. Standard debt payback, no extra drama? 2. Asshole owner increases debt, fight ensues? 3. MC kills Leeseheimer? 4. Other?
  14. justforthelulz

    Gokudo Parasites - Vol. 5 Ch. 34 - Lepezen Tetropolikyon

    You've (probably) heard of COWBOYS & ALIENS Now get ready for the Sequel: YAKUZA & ALIENS
  15. justforthelulz

    Hottie of the Day

  16. justforthelulz

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @TimeVolt It does, but you have to be part of the Staff to access it. Extra: