Say a funfact about literally anything

Apr 30, 2018
"Rev. Sylvester Graham", the inventor of the "Graham Cracker", didn't intend for anyone to actually like eating it. He just really wanted people to stop masturbating.

Gummy Bears aren't vegan, since Gelatin is made by the prolonged boiling of animal skin, cartilage, and bone.

The "specials" that restaurants offer, aren't actually special. They're just a mishmash of ingredients that need to be thrown out soon.

If you see a nutritional label that says zero trans fats, don't immediately believe it. A product can still have the ingredient as long as it doesn't exceed 0.5 grams per serving. And no one, anywhere, ever, eats 1 serving of anything.

The hard shells you usually see on candies are made from insects called lac bugs.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
Gummy Bears aren't vegan, since Gelatin is made by the prolonged boiling of animal skin, cartilage, and bone.
Vegan Gummy Bears, however, might not be vegan despite being made of agar since it still take the shape of a miniature animal thus promoting the consuming of animal.
also red food coloring (carmine) is made of crushed bugs, which isn't vegan.
Jan 4, 2021
Plants aren't actually vegan food ether because they rely on bees and other such insects and birds to pollenate them.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Veganism is nonsensical. The entire point is to not cause suffering by eating things that aren’t “alive.”

Plants are alive and we have evidence that they feel pain.

tldr: I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Those who hate pineapple pizza deserve to be bullied, yes even the Italians who look down on their own food’s derivatives. Sweet and savory is classical Italian cuisine.

No, not spaghetti and meatballs. Classical Italian is fruit, meat, cheese and pasta.

Grain, meat, fruit and cheese. Sound familiar? Yeah, that’s what’s in a pizza.

The tomato is native to the Americas. Before its introduction to the Old World, Italians used sweet fruit for pasta sauce: apricots, apples, orange glazes, and even berries.

Whoever gets their panties in a bunch over pineapple on pizza needs to realize it’s closer to ye ole Italian food than tomato based Italian is.

Also pizza isn’t native to Italy, the flatbread is native to the the Middle East/North West Asia. The Italians were just the first to put fermented food, cheese, on it as a topping.
Dec 31, 2019
Damn, you didn't have to go so hard on the haters.
Incidentally, the movie this crossover meme is based on is listed as having the seventh largest verbal "fuck" count, at least amongst English-language films.

Oct 14, 2018
The hard shells you usually see on candies are made from insects called lac bugs.

fuck man, I didn't know that and I hate bugs. Welp, guess I ain't eating candies anymore.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Achieving astonishing success in Hispania Caeser returned to Italy only to be marred by bad news. The two legions sent to capture Sicily then Tunisia were completely destroyed on the African continent, the legions sent to Greece defected; things were not looking very well.

Worse while controlling Rome helped with Caesar's legitimacy, basic Roman politics were starting to creep up and cause headaches. By custom the current consuls of Rome were supposed to supervise that year's election of the next consuls and both consuls happen to be in Greece. Without elections it was hard to argue that he was the legitimate government. The Senate (what was left of it) named Caesar dictator which would allow him to oversee the elections himself.

You'll never believe who won....
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
on that topic, peanut is also not a nut- it is pea.
on different topic, almond is also not a nut for some reason
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Not sure how I was summoned by @justforthelulz's call sign. Must be a user profile mix/meld glitch.🤖

Personally I like some pineapple on pizza, it goes well with another popular and completely uncontroversial fruit topping tomatoes! 😋
Any pizza boomer who has a problem with that would go bat💩 over some of the pizza pie combinations on the all-you-can-eat-pizza buffet tables in the US! 😅

Anyone ever heard of Tomato cobbler? 😏 Not my thing, but it's a thing around here too!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Hawaiian Pizza is actually alright depending on where you’re it eating it

@Ivegotnolife damn it I was gonna do a pineapple Pizza thing!
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are simply bastardized versions of masculinity and femininity. Avoid them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Caeser's next goal was to deal with Pompey in Greece. Marching by land would take far too long and too strenuous on logistics, the only way is by sea. The problem was that Pompey has the naval advantage and blockaded the coast and multiple trips was necessary to move the entire army. Worse, Caeser's old rival Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus was the one leading the blockade and wasn't going to back down.

An opening presented itself when the Pompeian Fleet docked for winter, for good reason; winter crossings were fairly dangerous. Caeser simply sailed with half of his army and by the time Bibulus realized what happened it was too late.

See, this wasn't a winter crossing but rather an autumn crossing. The Roman Calender drifted every year and it was someone's job to fix it. So who's job was it? The Pontefix Maximus. Who was the Pontefix Maximus? Julias Caeser. Why didn't he fix it? He didn't have time.

The blockade was formed again but most of Caeser's ships made it out in time however he could no longer receive supply or reinforcements. Marching on a nearby town for supplies proved to be futile as the Pompeian army moved to intercept.

The thing with Ancient Roman ships is that they were not designed for long voyages and so had to come ashore once in a while to resupply. Caeser sent out patrols to attack these crewman when they come ashore, it didn't take very long for the blockade to be thrown into disarray.

Bibulus sent his second in command asking Caeser to "please let us come ashore and resupply." Upon realizing that the envoy wasn't going to give anything in return he was promptly sent back. And then Bibulus died, overworked beyond his mortal limits.

The other Half of Caeser's army would later slip past the blockade but his supply problem wasn't going away.

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