I think it's a great metaphor for addiction. And you don't have to be a smoker to enjoy it. I have dead in my family from smoking and can't stand the stuff myself.
But it doesn't mean I can't appreciate this expression. And I think the metaphor used for the smoke goes both ways. We surround...
Have hereditary ties to family with, thankfully rare, paranoid hallucinations? With a little imagination--doubly terrifying! Make sure to keep your stress levels down, sanity is underrated.
Haunting visage of a filthy miscreant. Whose fading humanity compels a prodigious unhealthy affection of beasts. Her roiling unquenchable thirst for the preserve is without ebb.
And yet I feel an uncanny kinship with her morbid fascinations of fur skinned creatures...
Cute girls doing cute things in a super VR-MMO. Light and enjoyable. Kind of makes me think of that Dakota Krout book with where the protagonist is just randomly stumbling on quirky powers by doing ridiculous things. It's fun and I like it.
Praise be to the translator, and author.
This author did a hentai version with the main heroine where the guy actually gives the lady what she wants: Kitsune no Oyomechan Mini. And occasionally contributes to Towako.
Get an invite to go fight soldiers and monsters, from another world, from a teleporting teenager and you immediately reply with "gang we got an emergency call out". That's 80s AF, imho.
Well that escalated quickly. Suddenly full 80s action flick. People agreeing to ridiculousness demands of the protagonists without batting an eye, one liners, no mercy gun downs of dragons no less!
It's gold--loved it.
Actually really liked it a lot. My only complaint is the full chapter epilogue. I like it better when it's ended short and sweet maybe 1-2 pages to let you piece it together when you're still at the emotional high of the story.