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  1. Nick_Asano

    Song of the day?

    BMTH - Follow You
  2. Nick_Asano

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    I've been trying to start waking up at 8 for a while now, but I keep having what I can only describe as manic episodes that make it impossible for me to relax, never mind sleep. When I do get to sleep I have really bad nightmares that make me feel like absolute crap, and afterwards it becomes...
  3. Nick_Asano

    The Optimistic Thread

    @LunaKara Maybe, but I'm honestly jealous of people who can just "live". I'm jealous of the few adults that can genuinely enjoy video games, dumb Netflix specials, and doing nothing for hours on end with their friends. Also, I think I may have a new favorite animal.
  4. Nick_Asano

    Your evil plan

    To trap every man, woman, and child on earth inside of this confession dial for the next few billion years.
  5. Nick_Asano

    How exciting is your life?

    @JonRa You've caught me red handed. I'm a Telepath
  6. Nick_Asano

    How exciting is your life?

    @JonRa How did I know this was going to be a JReg video before even clicking on it?
  7. Nick_Asano

    The Optimistic Thread

    Life is terrible for a lot of reasons. Everyone knows that. Humans have a strong negativity bias and are never content with anything for long. Humans have a lot more options than most mammals, but with those options comes the increasing worry that they're not using their time effectively. We...
  8. Nick_Asano

    ••your•• favourite music lyrics

    And on tides we can't be untouched by Of troubles stay when lids lay over eyes The frames and faces I've mistaken for kids whose lives I may have taken And if so, do I haunt their parents dreams? And in so, am I summarized by sounds of young lung screams? Their young one's screams And of war...
  9. Nick_Asano

    Hottie of the Day

    This orange boi
  10. Nick_Asano

    Music keeps on pausing/stopping

    Throw bacon at your computer screen and wait
  11. Nick_Asano

    How does reading manga affects your Life? (Random Question)

    I don't know. Certain manga have helped me to think more complexly about humanity and the meaning of life and the many different ways of viewing and living it. Overall I think I used manga as a way to empathize with people, as strange as that must sound. But the things I've learned I could've...
  12. Nick_Asano

    What's your favorite number?

  13. Nick_Asano

    Narnia, the Last Battle

    I've read only the second book (11 years ago). I loved it, but I've been too distracted by other books to read the whole series.
  14. Nick_Asano

    Western fantasy novels/books that would make good mangas?

    My favorite manga resemble books more than they do most popular manga, and I like both my books and my manga to be fictitious but grounded in reality, though I used to read a lot of fantasy books as a kid. I'd recommend Eragon, Pendragon (by D.J. Machale), Insignia, and Ender's Game for fantasy.
  15. Nick_Asano

    where do you read novels

    Since 2020 I've been afraid to risk getting books from the library, so instead I download pdfs of books I want to read (I'm not picky about the site) and read them when I have the time. And yes, I've been cheating on manga.
  16. Nick_Asano

    Song of the day?

    "The heart may be weak. And sometimes, it might even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out." "Dearly Beloved (2021)" - Kyle Landry
  17. Nick_Asano

    Say a funfact about literally anything

    During cold weather pandas will smear themselves with horse poop because it has properties that block their cold-receptors. The reason moose are always licking cars is because of the salt that sticks to them. In most places where moose are found the climate is very cold, so they pour salt on...
  18. Nick_Asano

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 11 Ch. 91 - It's All My...

    If this is reality, and not just a mental breakdown caused by a lifetime of brainwashing, then this is just bullshit.
  19. Nick_Asano

    Best Nickname on MD

    Umm uhh err ehmm... "Nick"
  20. Nick_Asano

    Play Ball
