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  1. lovelysail

    Transjitter: Ibitsu na Karada - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Episode 5

    @Thebravefish Seeing this tackle gender bender but with gender dysphoria was really interesting, though I do think it's more the author relating it to female experiences at least from framing, I'm unsure if it's accidentally or purposefully about the high sexual assault victim rate of...
  2. lovelysail

    Kare to Kanojo no Sentaku - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    @trapsarebetter I can see you're like pretty genuine, but it was not meant with hostility LOL Just, chill out. It makes me feel like you'd have a heart attack if someone called something you both liked dumb lol Also I'm bullying you specifically because most of the others probably knew that...
  3. lovelysail

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 7 Ch. 41 - The Witch's Servant and the Final Flames

    @reu Well actually there is no purpose for being unless you're religious. There are many different frameworks you could base your life upon, but to say our purpose is for reproduction is faulty if your logic is "that is how we are". We were an accident that evolved further and further by...
  4. lovelysail

    Starting With a Lie - Ch. 57

    I was thinking "Oh I expected that ribbon to be used for a beautiful climax tying it together".....and I guess I might be right? It kinda sucks I might be right ;-;
  5. lovelysail


    @DeanWinchester From Merrad just a few comments down I'm liking it, and it's smart to do this in case any problems with his health do arise. It's definitely not completely his style, but that's why he says it's practice after all.
  6. lovelysail

    Water Cube - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Nowhere to be Found

    Reposting here for new readers and for older fans I really did like the original, so I'll try to keep it concise. As a new reader (or a fan of the original webtoon), change the settings to -Double page spread (Because if you don't it will feel rather empty so IMO double page is alot better and...
  7. lovelysail

    Water Cube

    I really did like the original, so here's what I think of the adaptation so far, I wasn't a fan of the art at first, in comparison to the more indie style of Ha Il-Kwon. To new readers I suggest comparing the first few chapters of this to the first few chapters of My Heart is Beating in...
  8. lovelysail

    Water Cube

    I really did like the original, so I'll try to keep it concise. As a new reader, change the settings to -Double page spread (Because if you don't it will feel rather empty so IMO double page is alot better and to intention) -Right to left (As well it's better and to the design of the release)...
  9. lovelysail

    Iroiro Irogoto - Ch. 51 - The Story of an Adventurer Who Challenges a High Difficulty Dungeon

    They were cuter with the first haircut ngl, and the dungeon armor was better then the bartender costume @EVILTRAFFICCONE Well you see them go from flat to getting boobs, so that's probably why, it's part of a corruption kinda thing too though
  10. lovelysail

    Kunisaki Izumo no Jijou - Vol. 7 Ch. 63 - The secret within the outrageous actor

    It feels a bit lonely without comments to such a good series, so however much you hear it I really do mean, Thank you for the hard work!!
  11. lovelysail

    Is It Tough Being a Friend? - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Tin foil hat guess but
  12. lovelysail

    Welcome Back, Alice - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Awakening

    I already can't wait a month for the next chapter, especially after Waltz More Down to Earth Art and Adolescent Confusion reminds me of Hurou Musukou but apparently this guy is a bit more fucked up, still looks super promising, is this monthly?
  13. lovelysail

    Starting With a Lie - Ch. 48.5

    Though it is slower a burn then I thought, it'll make it all the better to get to here. I'm not sure I'd like being locked in the gym storage here, but I think a nude art model would be a really fun situation and fit (Show me both shy boys 😋)
  14. lovelysail

    Solo Bug Player - Ch. 6

    I like the replacement, Wailing wall would have had just as much of an explanation, and at least to me Abatis sounds better as a title to get across the same feel the original might have given
  15. lovelysail

    Onii-chan Is Done For!

    @fenxthefox As far as from the raw link it seems like it was published 10 days ago so it probably is being translated, we're lucky cause we're caught up so that's nice
  16. lovelysail

    Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age - Vol. 6 Ch. 41 - Other World Offline Meeting, Part 1

    @Qelix @UntappedChaos Loli Mamoritai Isn't dead just been on a LN/WN translating kick, and is more in a mood for that. At least think this is the same Loli Mamoritai, think it is since they translate the same series LNs/WNs as the manga on here...