Transjitter: Ibitsu na Karada - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Episode 5

Aggregator gang
Jan 11, 2020

Just because it's out of your comfort zone it does not mean it does not happen IRL. If you're too weak for this, go read something else.

Well said. I think that's something a lot of manga readers have problems with in general. It's more a display of a lack of closeness to reality than anything else.
How often do you read something on the news or get told something by friends/coworkers, etc where you think: "this is too surreal to be true" but actually DID happen?
I read, seen and heard about way crazier "unrealistic" but truly happened things my whole life. So I wouldn't dismiss something like in this chapter as "unrealistic".

Anyway, I will continue reading this and want to thank @genderbenderbb2 so much to spend their time translating it for us who want to see where this series goes.
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
Of course nothing will happen to the shit head kids causing the rape.

I want fucking blood. Not a beating
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
Even though he act real bitch before doesn't mean he deserves all this and that fucking teacher did say she overdid thing really COME THE FUCK ON
Aug 18, 2018
Hooo, that was a good chapter. The turmoil is so heavy. Shun only keeps getting more and more things piled on her plate and it feels like her character is going to go off the deep end.

I really wish the uncle's face was more defined on the car ride, but excellent chapter. How far will the author go with pulling Shun down and Yuka pulling no punches. Thank god for that moment, no more words were needed at that boiling point.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Probably currently in process or the school trying to disclose the issue.
> Rape
> Fighting
> Teacher there to witness

Like I said, if they're aren't kicked from school and sent to rehabilitation for underaged raping author may need help for basic logic.

Yuka bashing those guys head is really satisfying.
Not long enough though.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2018

Yuka bashing those guys head is really satisfying.

^ this. Also because for the whole scene he was completely silent. No pleas, no threats, no nothing, just beating the punk bloody.

The way he glared at the other guy was also great.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
My manliness kneels itself in front of that Yuka Scene lul.

Looking at the transfer student, he realized that he was weaker that a male that used to be female.
but that scene really good, would be even better if the bully get punishment for RAPING.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2018

I've noticed many coming to this conclusion, but at least IMHO, no rape occurred - the bastard tore Shunichi's hymen with his fingers, so while some form of penetration did happen, it was not intercourse.

That doesn't make it less fucked up. In fact, perhaps it's the opposite and it's MORE messed up because you'd have to be a special kind of dicktard to do that to a girl (oh and let's not forget him complaining about "sexist discrimination").
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
If it were me I would stab both the guys on the street and also the teacher, fuck this bs.
Aggregator gang
Mar 6, 2018
I though it was about a stupid and strange gender bender story like always, in the end is how women are treated in society? huh
Jan 21, 2020

Seeing this tackle gender bender but with gender dysphoria was really interesting, though I do think it's more the author relating it to female experiences at least from framing, I'm unsure if it's accidentally or purposefully about the high sexual assault victim rate of transgender individuals. Cause he still sees himself as a guy, and any afab person could be rightfully scared in the males bathroom, any amab too to be fair. There's a vulnerability in that and it's why anecdotally at least I feel alot of trans people have trouble choosing which one to use or use a gender neutral option if available.

Either way it seems alot more for shock and just wasn't executed well, I think alot of it comes from how they left it as a cliffhanger till this chapter, so it felt like the previous chapter was taunting us going "Did they arrive on time? Or are they too late, See next time". So while this does happen, and schools do cover this stuff up, it just feels like there's no empathy really.
Aug 25, 2018
That's definitely rape. Doesn't matter if the ultimate intent was 'intercourse' or not, however you define that; most rapes IRL occur for reasons more like 'indulging in power' anyway. It's an assault on sexual grounds involving the genitals, stripping, humiliation, etc., and all the other hallmarks of rape
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Yashiro was about to make it rain. If only the teacher didn't stop him...
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2018

Then I spoke out of ignorance and I apologize for that, I hope I did not offend anyone.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2020
Wait so the teacher wanted to quiet down the issue wtf is this that was an attempted rape and they stopped and your trying to put punishment on the ones who stopped it? I know this is a manga but it's ridiculous
Dex-chan lover
Dec 12, 2019

It is not ridiculous if it happened in Japan, the land of appearances. where the image of the collective (the school in this case) is far more important that the well-being of the individual. Something "good" for the country, bad for the "happiness" of the citizen.

in my opinion
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
Again, Shun has way more serious problems than just what happen to his body. But that was too much. Even if is just to reach a certain point for the story to progress but an attempt of rape following a beating is like a huge nonsense to be happening inside the school. If was at the streets somewhere else it would make it more realistic in a sense. Felt more like something too surreal. That guy reaction was more of criminal than a high school bully.
If anything Yuka seem lot more fit to protect her "girl". Regardless of her man body i wouldnt doubt Yuka would try to do the same if she was still a girl. Well, is unnecessary to point how dearly Yuka holds Shun in comparison to Yamagichi. Which is also sad considering how Shun feels and treats Yuka.
Considering the current scenery theres no way moving away isnt the best option. But considering Shun mental state i dont think that would help much.
But is hard as a reader when u dont really feel much sympathy towards the main character. Have lot more concern about Yuka than Shun.

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