@reu Well actually there is no purpose for being unless you're religious. There are many different frameworks you could base your life upon, but to say our purpose is for reproduction is faulty if your logic is "that is how we are". We were an accident that evolved further and further by accidents as well. For example we have obesity problems in some parts of the world because fat tastes good. This is cause fat was the most effective form of energy production and so naturally we got a taste for it. It's completely arbitrary, there was no decision or plan that our cells and organisms made, it just happened. By this same token there is no reason to reproduce it is just a part of our biology, if you want to you can, but if you don't you can decide not to. Reproduce being different from sex the act just to be clear too Lol.
I'm not the type of person that says if you like girly or boyish things you must be trans, you may have looked girly but that doesn't mean you aren't a man. But as well consider, you don't have to be trans to change your body however you want. Just like some men want muscles some men want to look cute, in japan actually some male crossdressers take hormones to stay girly because that's how they want to look and live. Simply put the only thing I care about is we live our purposeless lives happy. So, if you want to live your life looking more masculine not due to obligation but due to your own internal sense of happiness then that is good. If you are not doing it for your own internal sense of happiness, our bodies have no purpose but to ourselves, so just you know be kind to yourself and be you.
Tldr; our biology has no purpose at all, it is what we got nothing more. What we do in our purposeless existence is up to us. If you want to look masculine or feminine is up to you and it doesn't make you trans at all. Uhmm and like just live your life to the best possible way for you, I can't and hopefully won't dive deeper in but, you sound like you'd work hard whichever way you do end up choosing you know? So good luck!!