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  1. K

    What is This Scans

    I honestly HATE groups like this. They keep on picking up projects KNOWING there staff can't release it in a timely manner. I personally believe if a series is updating weekly that the group scanlating it should realease there Translations 2 weeks after the raws orginal realease MAX. now if the...
  2. K

    The Story of the Hated Mule

    @Renren7356 Most likely not
  3. K

    Don't Make a Wish

    (Note: this review is coming from someone who ready ahead in the raws) I had no Idea this series was here time to leave a review! I do have some problems with the way this story is conducted( and that's why its causing some confusion) the author doesn't really know how to smoothly transition...
  4. K

    The Evil Sorceress Plans to Survive!

    @celeste_048 Sorry for the late reply I'm not on here too often. Looking back on my response maybe url wasn't the right word to use(like I said English isn't my first language I'm a native Chinese speaker.) So let me give you an in depth response on how to get to zihu. So first off you will need...
  5. K

    The Evil Sorceress Plans to Survive!

    The site that the author was uploading this is up again,but you have to donate about 7 dollars to get there new url. However I'm not sure if this particular manhua is still on there site. In fact if I'm being completely honest this series probably won't be coming back. The author was a...