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  1. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 79 - What is it, Senpai?

    @swain123 Imagine being this self-righteous & upset because Somebody On The Internet said your sub-group's slang is going to sound dated in ten years... lol
  2. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 79 - What is it, Senpai?

    @Swain123 Don't get yourself so worked up, kid. "Cancel culture" is the centrist/corporatist political establishments trying to weaponize the idea of a more equitable and accepting world against their political enemies. People who actually want to make the world a better place want to call in...
  3. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 11 Ch. 79 - What is it, Senpai?

    the problem with romance manga is you go through all this build-up and then never get to see any part of what the actual relationship is like. (Maybe there's just a fast-forward to 'oh they had kids', since at least then their actual relationship with each other is pretty much over and the...
  4. tinyfalcon

    Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei - Vol. 2 Ch. 32 - Miyakonojou-san Goes Shopping

    Plural of 'passer-by' is 'passers-by' tho
  5. tinyfalcon

    Lazy Dungeon Master - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - The Summoned Monsters' Feelings

    @Xenopsyche @Fabhar's profile pic is the black mage sprite from the original Final Fantasy.
  6. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 73 - So you wear contact lenses, Senpai!!

    @asdf888 @nyanpass There are full-eye contacts called scleral lenses that cover most of the exposed eyeball, they use them for people with severe dry eyes and stuff, or sometimes for movies or whatever. But yeah usually they're just for the pupils.
  7. tinyfalcon

    Kusanagi-sensei Is Being Tested - Vol. 2 Ch. 173 - Conversation About Friends

    Why not? You screw a lot of things up in your first relationship or two, isn't it better to make those mistakes and learn from the ones that go wrong rather than just hoping everything is magically perfect with the one who really matters?
  8. tinyfalcon

    Goblin Is Very Strong - Vol. 5 Ch. 40

    @abedus Actually, they're doing just that, at least for some cancers. It's really cool. Anyway, I agree with you, if magic is just "I do whatever I want lol" then it takes all the tension/interest out of a story. OTOH I agree with @wh4t3ver too bc any attempt to impose rules like that now is...
  9. tinyfalcon

    Kusanagi-sensei Is Being Tested - Vol. 2 Ch. 162 - Woke Up Earlier Than Usual

    Sooooo we're just gonna drop that thing with the other girl for now then? @cptcourage her leg is straight despite wearing one heel because she has her left foot (the bare one, on the viewer's right) pointed. So she's standing on the ball of her foot with the ankle off the ground. It's subtle...
  10. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - You'll be all alone on Christmas won't you, Senpai~♡

    Clicked through to the comments thinking there was some major development this chapter and... ...right, chapter 69. Don't know what I was expecting
  11. tinyfalcon

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 6 Ch. 112

    ...I'll catch the next one
  12. tinyfalcon

    Otome Danshi ni Koisuru Otome - Vol. 5 Ch. 596 - A Bit More Selfish

    Surprise! Car crash, the end (Please tell me this isn't what happens)
  13. tinyfalcon

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 61 - Senpai... what did you talk about with my sister...?

    What's the deal with wanting to know somebody's measurements anyway? How's a number going to add to the experience? Like, say I have this delicious ripe peach sitting in front of me on a table. Am I going to smell it, feel it, taste it...? Nah man just tell me how much it weighs
  14. tinyfalcon

    Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san - Vol. 24 Ch. 205 - Yuuna-san, Remembers

    So Yuuna's regret is that by dying, she misses out on things she could do if she were alive. ...guess that explains why Kogarashi keeps meeting so many ghosts then
  15. tinyfalcon

    Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san - Vol. 24 Ch. 204 - Yuuna-san Watches

    I just have no idea what timeline is "real" any more with this thing