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  1. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40.5 - Season 1 End - Author's note Check out the discord chat
  2. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale Here's the link to the discord chat. It's sketch. I haven't used discord in forever. I'm not editing the server and making it look pretty right now. If it becomes more of a thing I'll do it later down the road or have someone else do it. Anyways the priority for the...
  3. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale

    I can just share it here or on discord? I have the raws but I have no idea what’s the best way to upload them
  4. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale

    Should I make a discord chat and I can upload the raws? Maybe someone can translate it if so desired
  5. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale Scroll all the way to the bottom and 41 is the new chapter if you can’t find it. If you can and just can’t access it then yeah me too lol. I think there is a way but it has a lot of steps to take and it’s just complicated. Either...
  6. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale

    it's on bomtoom, type "loveuneigh bomtoon" and you may be able to check it out. The untranslated version is updated, they haven't announced anything on lehzin where the official translation is nor have we heard anything from the fan translation. But the raw is out there.
  7. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale

    Guys the new chapter dropped out
  8. H

    Bad Side - Ch. 45

    Yes, you are correct and that's why I know my ship between them is problematic. The only evidence I can think of that would indicate Mary loving Seon is how even after Mary had done all those terrible things to Seon, it's like she's still assuming Seon will be there for her. I think she's...
  9. H

    Bad Side - Ch. 45

    Interesting plot story. I know everyone is going to strongly disagree with me, and I completely understand why they would. But low key I'm shipping the main girl and the psycho religious girl mary. It's a toxic relationship between them, and I wouldn't be surprised if the author doesn't have...
  10. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 40 - Chapter 40 - Season 1 Finale

    Lol I was not expecting the husband to come back. Well, does anyone know what the author is doing now or when she'll update this manga? As much as I love this manga, I wasn't sure if there was enough traction for it to get a season 2. That's why I was kind of surprised with the way the author...
  11. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 37.5 - Author's notice

    My guess if it ends on a cliff hanger, jinju runs away from doyeon. Not because she doesn’t like doyeon but rather she feels she needs to have some independence. I think it’s because she likes doyeon so much that she wants to be independent from her so they can actually be part of a relationship...
  12. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 37 - Chapter 37

    Ooooo.. i wonder what they’re going to do in the finale. Do you think willow is just going to neatly tie up the story with a happy ending or have some drama happen that will lead to season 2? I mean maybe Morae gives jinju the idea to run away and jinju thinks it’ll be better for both of them if...
  13. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 37 - Chapter 37

    Lmao the new chapter is a pause. Is it talking about being on hold or talking about the ending of the manga?
  14. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 37 - Chapter 37

    I low key wanted doyeon to slap moraes face. Like i just feel it would make so much sense to get a bitch slap from Morae and just show the extent that Morae crossed a line. So cute to see all of doyeons friends join in. This is the first time we see doyeon receive a favor from her friends so...
  15. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 36 - Chapter 36

    I have to agree. It’s like she knows deep down what she’s doing is wrong but she doesn’t want to admit to herself that she’s making a mistake (Morae). I kind of think jinju is going to tell doyeon. Although I could be bias. I know jinju doesn’t like to tell doyeon stuff like this as we seen her...
  16. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 36 - Chapter 36

    You see I kind of thought that at first. The reason why I don’t think jinju would leave doyeon because she thinks she’s a burden is because doyeon has expressed that she really REALLY likes having jinju around. She’s expressed her feelings that she wants jinju and if she can only take her body...
  17. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 36 - Chapter 36

    It’s interesting seeing jinju take on a more dominate role. I wonder if jinju is really stressed out because she’s thinking about leaving doyeon or if it’s because she may have to accept that she has feelings for doyeon if she decides not to leave. At the very least, if she decides not to leave...
  18. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 35 - Chapter 35

    Lol why does the next chapter show jinju annoyed and topping doyeon. How did we get to that point 😭 Is it because the phone is going off in the background??