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  1. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 35 - Chapter 35

    I kind of like trying to guess. It makes me more involved with the characters. Because then I’m thinking “hmm based on jinjus/doyeons past behaviors what can we infer they’ll do next?” So then I think more about them and who they are as people. But I’m at a point where I might as well just say...
  2. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 35 - Chapter 35

    Here’s my prediction: 1. Loan sharks try to break into the home or Morae tries to lure jinju away from the home so then the loan sharks kidnap jinju. No matter what I feel like jinju is gonna get kidnapped 2. Doyeon goes bitch ass crazy and grabs gunwoo so they go to fight off the loan sharks...
  3. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 35 - Chapter 35

    LMAOOO omg home wrecker I can’t 😂😂😂😂 that’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in this series. Fr gunwoo is best boy. He knows he loves doyeon but he also realized doyeon is probably the only person or one of the only people she feels comfortable enough to confide in him. His love is so pure...
  4. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 34 - Chapter 34

    lol every one got some opinions about these characters. These are my opinions of these characters: Gunwoo: naive, cute, literally a hyper puppy. He’s in love and crushing on doyeon hard. To see him straight forward and eager doesn’t surprise me. No hate for gunwoo at all even though sometimes I...
  5. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 34 - Chapter 34

    Interesting chapter, could see doyeon was going to have to be nice to jinju after what she did. But we see now that doyeon is capable of feeling guilty 😂. The first scene we see in this chapter is jinju having a flashback of the happy moments In her marriage. It wasn’t all bad, even if the...
  6. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    Tell me this at least. Does doyeon do some aftercare stuff with jinju or no? 😂
  7. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    I know others will disagree but this sex scene made a lot of sense to me. Looking at the previous chapter I was kind of thinking doyeon would fuck jinju in this chapter. I was between that or she would walk away out of sadness and heartbreak. I guess the one thing that did surprise me in this...
  8. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    I kind of think jinju is going to catch a cold after this. We know jinju doesn’t care about what happens to her. Hence she’s supposedly fine with doyeon doing whatever she wants to her. I wonder if doyeon went overboard in this chapter and we’re going to see the ramifications of jinju...
  9. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    Well the story still has a lot of room to develop. I will say it’s a story that feels like every gesture serves a purpose. The writer hasn’t made it obvious what one character is supposed to act like one way and it feels a lot like these characters can be interpret in different ways. You could...
  10. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    Lol maybe the author is having a hard time establishing the manga as a romance and so is just throwing sex scenes left and right. I have to give props to the author because I’ve never seen a manga like this before. The sex scenes don’t really bother me. In fact, I had a feeling I was going to...
  11. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    What you mean? 😂 we got to see jinju squirt in this scene and she hasn’t done that before. You are right though they don’t talk enough. They both have very high walls with each other. The one time they let themselves be honest is through sex. Jinju rejects doyeon but then they proceed to have...
  12. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    Well, there is a lot to unpack in this chapter. I believe jinju loves doyeon, but she’s too traumatized from her past to admit it to herself. I think she thinks she can’t love someone. One thing I’ve noticed in past chapters is how often jinju shows she cares without doyeon being present. When...
  13. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

    Rip I can’t tell if jinju squirted or pissed herself at the end
  14. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

    My poor girl jinju looks like she’s fighting for her life 😂😂
  15. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

    You know, I feel like jinju understands that she can’t love doyeon because their relationship isn’t based on love. Rather more of a power Imbalance with jinju being totally indebted to doyeon. For jinju to actually love doyeon, they would have to be more on equal setting. But why hasn’t jinju...
  16. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

    I’ve been wondering this too. How will doyeon react to jinju? I kind of think she’ll get more needy and have more rapey sex. Like she’ll get more aggressive and leave more marks on jinju. But I also low key think she might just start crying right then and there and we slowly see her spiral out...
  17. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

    Jinju could also just be putting up walls because she doesn’t want to get emotionally close to doyeon. Since this girl probably has some major relationship trust issues. Or also it could just be a combination of multiple stuff. Idk :p but I do stand by jinju lying to herself or being too closed...
  18. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

    Lol I’m sorry but I’m calling bullshit on jinju. Doyeon being the major people pleaser she is sees jinju as this incredibly lonely person who has no one to turn to. She’s never felt warmth from another person in a sexual way or really an emotional way too. She’s always felt alone. Doyeon...
  19. H

    Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 31 - Chapter 31

    This is a theory but I was just thinking if jinju has prostituted herself while she was married in the past. I mean it would kind of make sense trying to get that extra cash to survive while in debt. And it would explain why she doesn’t seem to really care that doyeon touched her at first. Like...