I got a hunch, a slight hunch, that this isn't even remotely how shotgun shells work.
Dunno, just shotgun shells exploding like a video game oil barrel seems odd. Even if he enhanced his bullet that just seems to be piercing not explosive shot.
@proitzensin It doesnt seem like it would take even minimal research to figure that out though? Especially if you just... look up the weight of swords. Which are pretty light. I've had laptops heavier than many swords.
Doesn't a bow.. require a lot more strength than a sword? I do HEMA in real life and swords are actually pretty light. Meanwhile I can't pull back on a bow to save my life.
@Kuraiaku let's be honest here, teens wouldnt find handholding, kissing or hugging as such huge things.
Kids? Sure. Teens? I'm not too sure about that. Maybe a teen who suffers from social problems. Might just be a Japanese thing, and considering their plummeting birthrate that might be scarily...
@Kuraiaku I'm not entirely sure about that. As introducing such manga to my gf and friends (who have no idea what a manga even is in many cases) tends to get the same general response. Which is why are these people so bad at basic human interactions? Why do they see basic stuff like hand...
Blushing over someone who uses insane amounts of violence at random.
He would be a serial killer in real life. And she is having hots over him because he looks handsome? Sheesh she is coming off as more crazy and insane than the Emperor. What in the world is wrong with her? Is being a violent...
I kinda wish he looked like an actual orc. Because by all accounts the title is lying.
But then again Japan seems to be incredibly bad at titles for some reason.
Personally I see Rashta as the true villainess in this story.
She is pathetic and thus pitiable yes. But the way she acts and reacts to things makes her all the more easily hateble. She comes at things with the expectation that things will go her way.
And when they dont she freaks out.
@Icryalot I'll admit that feels like its aimed at folk with something like a social disability or the like. Because the characters in many very long romance manga/anime tend to just be so shocking incompetent at basic interactions.
All in all it's probably dragged out for the sake of a...
@Kaduufrrj To say that romance manga and anime tends to progress at the pace of a dead snail is an understatement.
I kinda get why they do it but holy balls many take what feels like 50 years to get over basic stuff like: Handholding, Hugging, Kissing. Which is like... first week of a high...
Well she is a bit of a hoe. She gets real blushy over some dudes which is just weird.
She seems like the most easily swayed woman they could have chosen. Probably the main reason for it and not magic