Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2018
Put everything aside, that teacher was truly messed up. He's so biased and even accused the MC for cheating despite no proves, tho I understand that the MC used to be bad at it, but that still doesn't justify it.
Nov 14, 2019

To be fair. this is much better then the webnovel where this all played out mostly the same......except those thugs WEREN'T the red ogre group and he beat the SHIT out of them with video evidence of such by their girlfriends who pissed themselves and no one ever found out about it despite him making no efforts to hide it. Made this 'you're a good person' stuff feel really hollow after he BROKE a couple bullies in rage.
Active member
Feb 5, 2019
when i read this (webnovel) i got really mad about those two basterds, and now i got the visuals about this i am livid rn lmao
Active member
Feb 13, 2018
To the people translating this, do me, and everyone else, a favor, and ignore the people telling you that this is trash and that you should stop translating it.

There are hundreds of generic and unoriginal isekai out there, and most of them don't do anything interesting at all with the premise. I've read most of them, and dropped most of them. At best, they occasionally do one thing right, and the rest is wrong, and bad, and forgettable. This story is genuinely interesting, because it's the only one I've seen so far that explores the idea of the MC being able to travel between worlds more or less at-will, and the inevitable consequences and results of that. And in spite of what some people are throwing fits about, it's not terribly written, either. Is it the best? No. But it's good, and has an interesting and original premise. The MC wasn't "summoned" to another world, he inherited a doorway to it. In a lot of ways, this is less like the typical Japanese isekai and more like Narnia or a western fairy tale. Even moreso because of the Cinderella/ugly duckling aspect of it.

It's unique. And it's interesting. And even if it's not breaking any records or going viral like some shonen do, it's worth the bother of reading and following it. It is worth the time spent translating it, and I want you guys to know that some of us appreciate it.
Jul 20, 2019
Aye what lord-raine said. Now if only I could actually read the chapter with the servers being extra overloaded today.
Active member
Aug 16, 2020
Who the hell says this is trash? Don't ever stop translating because me and others enjoy this! Those people who say this is trash probably enjoy generic isekai harem bullshit and don't like stories of change and overcoming obstacles such as bullying and gaining self confidence
Jan 1, 2019
tbh, i want the translation team to go find something better that worth their time than this.

MC has cheat to transform his fking pathetic life for the better, fine bc if not there s no story

MC s thinking is the problem here, can make a million yens from but care for something stupid here.

errr, are you retard? well, i normally dont judge manga until 40-50 chs but this is enough or maybe 10 chs at most for me to decide...

Ps. novelupdates reviews help a lot to avoid waste time from trashes.
Apr 17, 2019
@KingDM23 Oh the irony of you saying that xD
"Those people who say this is trash probably enjoy generic isekai harem bullshit..."
So this is not generic isekai harem enough for you? Well pal, it seems a lot of people don't think the same as you do tho.
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
Guys, be this protag.

People diss him, aren't those people rather similar to them who diss this manga?

Be strong guys, karma existed. 😂
Aug 15, 2020
I know this is just the start but.. goddamn this is literally trash and no I don't like generic isekai harem because that's also trash what I read are either pure actions or maybe something that suit my taste. Well basically this manga isn't my cup of tea.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 11, 2018
Hahaha, petty rivalry. Let the salt falls flow!! Also, way too many elitists balding. Elitists 😐👉🚪. Nobody cares if this is generic garbage isekai writing #8292, we know.
Oct 12, 2018
I really enjoy this series!! My favorite types are the characters that were weak and/or bullied before and got a chance to change their life. The people being mean about him actually sound like those middle schoolers to be honest. Just looking for something to talk smack about.

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