I like that the Queen took the fact that one of her staff might have been sexually assaulted seriously and didn’t just brush it off. I know it’s not exactly fair to Yuri, she was trying to help the scribe, who didn’t look like she was going to die from what I can glean, but perhaps she should have done as they had told her and looked for someone to help. I know what I say will annoy a lot of the people who disagree but the author made a point to show the competing viewpoints and rationales of characters like the scribe, the Queen, and Ennon. Even Lester made a gentle point that what Yuri did was not the correct choice.
I’ve got respect for this series in that its characters aren’t black and white and that Yuri isn’t always right. Usually these isekai series will have the lead wowing the ‘savages’ with their superior knowledge and insight. But from the earliest chapter when she was negotiating with Lester, Yuri made mistakes and had to learn and adjust.
I don’t know if it’s intentional, probably accidental, but it feels like there is a point about cultural awareness in there too. Having to learn to adjust to another culture’s values and norms so you don’t accidentally insult or humiliate someone even if you believe you’re right
I really appreciate this series for treating things with greater dexterity and sensitivity than other webtoons would. My thoughts on this series are still in flux and might change with time, but I’m open to changing my mind