Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
kljlkjsaljk well that didn't really answer much and yet it did. ALRIGHT THEN???

thanks for the update!
Mar 22, 2020
@Glomoro - I wonder where you found anything in my post that resembled any sort of serious impatience. And here I thought the "kthxbai" was obvious enough a sarcasm indicator.... someone must be fairly new to the internet to have missed that one ;)
Mar 22, 2020
@Nago - Yikes, that one is quite a ways off mate. Because the fight between Beru and
Grand Marshall Bellion
, happens after the events of the S-Rank gate that is in Japan currently.

As far as the second event you asked about... Depends on how much detail they plan using to progress the "main plot" once exposed. Your guess isn't far off though, I'd say between 10-20 more chapters. There's A LOT of plot progression between that fight you mentioned, so sit tight my friend, it'll come eventually ^_^
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Seraph1c I knew you weren't super serious exactly because that was there. I was offering that advice anyway, because binging is the superior strategy to enjoying pretty much any entertainment media, so I evangelize it all the time.

I'll admit that I do often miss sarcasm and such online. A lot of people post entirely in plain text with zero emphasis on anything at all even when making these kinds of jokes, so it ends up looking like a 50/50. But I also will absolutely just charge right in even when I do notice it, if I feel like it. It's like word association or something, your post reminded me of all the series I'm sitting on waiting for a chapter buffer, so I commented about that.
Aug 10, 2020
Now i'm scared, like it's a lose-lose situation for jinwoo if its in reality. If jinwoo won and killed the creator of the system wouldn't the system died too because the creator controls it. And the opposite is the creator killing jinwoo which means jinwoo lost. But if the creator killed jinwoo there might be a higher chance of jinwoo getting revived back because it would be a waste for the creator if the creator just killed jinwoo after giving him a system to gain power. Idk just my opinion
Dec 7, 2018
I'm glad it turned out like that, kinda expected Jin-Woo to actually notice, with this fight, he was lacking some good sparring and ask him if he had something else to fight, I mean it's obvious from the power up that he was simply not aware of his power because his enemies were mostly weak compared to him and some good fight to notice the capabilities he had was in order.
Nov 23, 2018
From ThePaulBunyanTrophy on reddit

The missing translation bubble when the chairmans are talking is:

"The responsibility for failing to unite your country's guilds, and in fact, for being the cause for their disunity"

The translation above that is off, too. It's not
"The responsibility for the loss of Shortsword guild and Gyoto Ryuji's life" but "The responsibility of having taken Goto Ryuuji from the Drawn Sword guild." He's referring to how the machination of the JPN chairman subverted Goto to his own ambition by appealing to Goto's greed of wanting to be a national level hunter, contrary to what is in the best interest of his own guild and his country.

And Shortsword is a mistranslation. Shortsword is 단검 but **발**검 means drawn sword, or a sword that's been drawn and ready for killing. It's the same root as **발(drawing)**도(sword)술(skill) which is basically Kenshin's battoujutsu (抜刀術) So they took a really cool guild name and made it into something lame and wrong.

A quite a few errors elsewhere too. The bubble above that, "You intentions were impure..." that's actually talking about Goto and not the JPN chairman. It's more like, "Although he had impure motivations, he was still a representative hunter for the entire country." What he's saying is that the impure motivation that Goto operated under was not worthy of someone who was the representative hunter for his country who would be expected to conduct himself with some dignity and honesty. And taken together with the line that followed, he's saying that the loss of Goto -- flawed as he was -- was a huge one for Japan, amplifying the weight of the responsibility that would fall on the chairman's shoulder.

Another line of potential import... When the K chairman is talking about cutting ties, the line used is actually more serious than that. 척을 진다 means for the two sides to develop mutual hatred and resentment in a relationship that reconciliation is impossible.

There are few others.

edit: "However it's not all that strange..." is a complete fiction as far as a translation goes. It should say, "However, I'm **not** so heartless as to be so petty." That he is capable to letting Matsumoto fall but since the damage will be borne by the regular people, he's not going to. (forgot the add "not" the first time)

And the line above that, "If this gets released..." is off. It should be something like, "Once this gets out, only the regular people of Japan will suffer the fallout from your failed, underhanded machinations."

"If I can go faster than..." is made up. It should say, "If I use the Dominator's Authority to pull him toward me/pull myself toward him (Korean is vague here). I can add more speed to Haste,"

"His order!"? It says "Dominator's Authority!"

"This power, it's just a little bit" is off. SJW is still talking about the Dominator's Authority, "What amazing power. It's still effective against something that huge, although only a little bit." He's talking about how DA can affect the huge statue enough for him to use it tactically, although it's not enough to smash it into the ground like against the smaller statues. Then he talks about how the upgrading the skill made it several more times effective.

"I could kill them all..." should be "The Demon King's dagger could slice through most enemies, but against him, all I get are scratches."
Aug 17, 2020
I don't mind a dungeon-crawler mmo with mechanics like this, I'd play this for YEARS!!!

(Aside from forcing you to do dailies or else we get sent to the desert...)

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