Oct 2, 2020
I got excited when someone finally picked this up and the updates were fast. But now, ugghh. So disappointed. How long should we wait for the remaining chapters to get uploaded. Another 2-3 months? That sucks. They could just let other people/group do the work for them since they're busy. But thanks for your hard work 👍
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 2, 2018
Thank you for the update! Will you ever pick this up again for season 2 if ever?
Aug 22, 2020
Ya'll don't complain. It's rude. Let me remind you that we are reading this for FREE and TRANSLATED. If we weren't, and we had to pay then we have all right to complain, but in this situation, all we can do is thank them, and resort to some other method, or just learn Korean lol.
Dec 4, 2019
Sry i dont mean to offend anyone (just expressing my opinion)....but think i got the pattern here... some scan groups didnt post for months... like without info (well maybe on their discord... but people who doesnt join /have the app didnt know), wen random dude/sis/group picked the series....they’re like “sry we still continuing this, we arent dropping this yada yada yada” yet no uploads for months...

I once found certain scan group for a certain manhwa tht didnt upload for almost 5 months, when my friend wanted to continue the series they said tht they didnt drop it.. ( i mean... isnt tht frustrating, lol)

Well it isnt tht i complaint their late upload or anything.... imo, it would be better for the scans group to give some info via adding notes/announcements at the end /beginning of the chapter... instead post it on their discord server and tell the reader “sry bla bla bla yada yada yada” and ofc we as the reader (freeloader) will try to understand their situation or reasons...

Thanks for the update... love ginger... she is so cute XD
Jul 21, 2018
Well, you don’t owe them anything, but I consider this that you are doing to be a very nice gesture to them.

Of course as a leecher I don’t like it too much, but understanding these little things makes us better people. If for them it means a great deal and for you isn’t a big problem, then go ahead.

I hope they can bring their group to a good end and I hope seeing you again after chapter 40. In the meantime, thank you for the hard work really enjoyed reading it. -
Feb 9, 2018
"The previous group claims they haven't dropped the series."
(The previous group hasn't posted a chapter for this series in almost 3 months.)

Objection, your honor, that claim assumes documentation not in evidence!
Mar 23, 2019
Thanks for the update! I'm not sure why the scantalation group would leave this be for months then claim they didn't drop it ...
Dec 7, 2019
Also fun fact, Leraje's name- one of the demon marquises according to the Ars Goetia. Heh.
Oct 22, 2019
I also have mixed feelings... I will settle on this one opinion then: Mangadex is a platform to regroup the scanlations of different groups for every serie. If someone wants to stick to a particular group, they can either use this team's site (which is better if they wanna support them "en plus") or wait for the chapters to be uploaded. I understand that the team can feel attacked when they did all the work on the chapters and someone "steals the limelight" by posting before them, but they should realize they took way to long to have a right to say anything. They gambled nobody would do it before them, they lost, nothing more to say. Not like they own a license either.
I dislike sniping, so I don't caution it by not reading it, but that's only when the work is of poor quality and the intention is clearly to ruin the team. I also happened to read a chapter by someone who just wanted to do a chapter of a random serie to practice, and I don't see any problems with that.
NOW, when you say you personnally prefer to wait for them, that's your choice. Understand that the readers are frustrated to wait more and more, but I'm sure you're frustrated as well so I'll let it pass.

Well, just like misha21 said, POST A FU**ING NOTIFICATION somewhere ON MANGADEX if you don't wanna be surprised whan you come back. It is BASICAL POLITENESS regarding your viewers/readers.
I don't care if you take 1 year to make a chapter. I don't care if you wanna have a holiday. I don't care id you MTL or not, as long as I can understand the phrase. I can't do anything but accept it if you wanna drop a serie, and I'll still thank you for the work you did up 'til there, even if it is only one chapter. Cuz I KNOW I'm completely dependant of the scans' teams. BUT I am still a human being who can understand things and I appreciate that my respect towards those great generous persons is repaid with the same respect as a human being. That's all I'm asking.
Well now, I'm sorry for the little ranting. You can ignore me, I feel better now anyway.

Thanks for telling us about the next chapters, and I hope to see you back for the second season, as I understood they won't do it. I'm sorry for their disbandment too.
Nov 25, 2019
don't understand why 2 groups cant work on the same series. if the original group is still working on it, then they can release it whenever they finish. why are they stopping other people from doing it too? not like anyone has any moral highground when we're all pirating
Active member
Sep 14, 2019
That... Sucks.
I thought they dropped it but if they don't well at least they need to write notes or something for readers/other scan groups beforehand.
I mean as a reader I really don't mind sniping and such, IF the previous group don't even update regularly for a long time or if their scanlation's quality sucks.
I was so happy when you decided to continue this manhwa and now after reading the news....
I don't like it at all...
Thanks for your hard work so far
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
They clearly dropped it and are bitching because people receive the new chapters well... honestly I salute your manners about it but I would rather keep reading your good and consistent updates instead of wait to a group that couldn't be bothered at least letting an announcement about the project on their page, they simply dropped it and now want it back wich is simply bs.

Ty you for the updates so far and please consider keep working on this series. :(
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
@Mayadee From what I've observed most people agree if 2-3 month with no upload and no announcement from the previous group on a weekly series when the Raw isn't on hiatus between seasons is usually considered fair game

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