Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Have you finished spouting crap and making bad analogies yet?

He can't teleport there, you're talking about his shadow swap skill and he doesn't have a shadow there. He also can't resolve the problem in a short amount of time, the giants are spreading out and it would take him a week or weeks to hunt them all down, all the while his sister would be worried sick that her brother would end up like the other S-rank hunters who were there and also fought the giants.

He is capable of beating the giants safely, but there is no way for him to fully reassure his sister for her to understand that, so she would spend several weeks worried out of her mind watching updates on the news as her brother "risks his life". As @Serapheid pointed out, the life of somebody incredibly important and close to you is more meaningful to somebody than the lives of many strangers you've never met. If you're a loner with nobody who cares about you and so you can't understand that, oh well.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@Serapheid @Amplify I partly get where you are coming from but in such case your family member's health will not get better simply by you staying with them. Only professional medical care will help them. Seek said help for long term solution before their condition starts affecting your own life in a negative way.

In this case MC is still fatigued so it's ok if he does not want to "help Japan, duh" yet, but after that fatigue is gone, as a professional, he will have to and do whatever his job requires him to do. By that point sister must be in the hands of a professional to ease her anxiety.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I partly get where you are coming from but in such case your family member's health will not get better simply by you staying with them.
Leaving her here to watch news updates of her brother fighting dangerous monsters in another country, especially this soon after her trauma, will make the problem worse. Nobody said him being with her will magically cure her, but it will stop her deteriorating.
Jul 21, 2019
So if you are a professional swimmer and you can save someone that's drowning in safe water, and your sister who is standing next to you says 'nah let's just chill b/c i have PTSD' - does that make any sense? B/c that's what's going on here. And if you really want to get into autistic analysis - he could use the dragon, or Berus to rapidly get to Japan then "shadow swap" as you said.

All Jing Woo had to say is my power level is enough to crush those monsters, so I'll promise Ill be fine blah blah.

It's a terrible plot point and makes the protagonist Jing Woo look extremely selfish and foolish.

"I can save 100k lives and I'm guaranteed to not die or get horribly injured" vs. "Sister who has PTSD says not to."

That's why Good Samaritan laws exist. If you willingly allow 100k people or 1 million to die and there's no harm to you or your family then you're a piece of shit. "Nah let's chill instead LUL."

Like other poster said - if he needs to rest to recover that makes a lot more sense than "nah im not gonna go and save them all b/c my mentally ill sister said not to."
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@HorseRider9000 Don't forget that he is still human....
And the reason he kept working all this time has been his family, they alone are more important to him than everyone else, he is selfish, it is portrayed as such in the novel(if you haven't noticed, the people he cares have shadow soldiers), he does feel empathy and pitty (the latter not stated as such but you can figure)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Why are you so terrified of my reply that you won't @ me?

So if you are a professional swimmer and you can save someone that's drowning in safe water, and your sister who is standing next to you says 'nah let's just chill b/c i have PTSD'
That analogy is just as crap as the first time you tried to use it.
does that make any sense?
No, your analogy makes zero sense.
1: It will take a minimum of a week to hunt down all of the giants, "a swimmer saving a drowning person" could save the person in minutes.
2: 'nah let's just chill b/c i have PTSD' is the single most retarded way imaginable to put it, she is deeply traumatized after watching her friends from school be dismembered in front of her and the idea of her brother fighting monsters that just dismembered a bunch of hunters that are the same rank as him is not going to help her.
3: "safe patch of water" =/= 37 giants the size of skyscrapers that just obliterated a bunch of hunters that are the same ranking as her brother.

And if you really want to get into autistic analysis - he could use the dragon, or Berus to rapidly get to Japan then "shadow swap" as you said.
Are you really so slow in the head as to already forget what happened the last time the MC used his shadow swap skill for something that wasn't a critical emergency? What would he do if he used it to get to Japan, and then there was a problem that required him to rush to his sister's side before the cooldown was over?

All Jing Woo had to say is my power level is enough to crush those monsters, so I'll promise Ill be fine blah blah.
You truly are touched in the head and are stupid as you seem if you think that would be all it takes.

It's a terrible plot point and makes the protagonist Jing Woo look extremely selfish and foolish.
"I can save 100k lives and I'm guaranteed to not die or get horribly injured" vs. "Sister who has PTSD says not to."
That's why Good Samaritan laws exist. If you willingly allow 100k people or 1 million to die and there's no harm to you or your family then you're a piece of shit. "Nah let's chill instead LUL."
Your inability to think things through is indicative only of problems with your head and not the story you are reading.

Like other poster said - if he needs to rest to recover that makes a lot more sense than "nah im not gonna go and save them all b/c my mentally ill sister said not to."
You should be happy to live in a time where we take care of the mentally impaired.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@conscript117 Family is so important to the MC that he did not notice his sister has PTSD until now. :) Oh the irony. Only a month have passed since the school incident, right?

Kind of reminds me how a parent is surprised that his kid did this or that while he did not know anything about it... People get so out of touch with their family members because they obsess over something (even if its for providing daily neccessities to them) then "surprised pikachu face".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Family is so important to the MC that he did not notice his sister has PTSD until now. :) Oh the irony.
Please show me where it says he's "only just noticed it right now".

Only a month have passed since the school incident, right?
Less than a week, about 4 to 6 days.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
Please show me where it says he's "only just noticed it right now"

On the bench in the park he was asking Beru what his sister is doing day by day. That's when he realises what's happening. The phrasing of his thoughts clearly expresses this sudden revelation too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
He may have confirmed his suspicions there, but that does not mean he went from "literally zero idea that there was any problem with his sister watching her school friends be dismembered" to "she has PTSD" in an instant.
Jul 21, 2019
@amplify I didn't tag you because your intellect is below everyone else's here to warrant a response. I also didn't read that block of garbled ranting because I have better things to do than argue with an incel.

As others have already mentioned and I have already stated, Jing Woo's actions are nonsensical. No one in their right mind will consciously allow for hundreds of thousands to be killed all over their sister's PTSD. The swimming analogy I provided is quite apt, it's just that you're too dumb to comprehend it. It's just poor story telling and shows that Jing Woo is not a good person. Maybe it wasn't the author's intent but that is clearly what is being shown here.

Screech harder. No one cares.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I didn't tag you because your intellect is below everyone else's here to warrant a response. I also didn't read that block of garbled ranting because I have better things to do than argue with an incel.
I accept your surrender.
*repeats the same BS again, having learned absolutely nothing*
From your comment it can be seen that you have a very tenuous grasp of the novel, so to you anything would seem to be out of the ass.

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@Amplify It may or may not, as it was not clearly stated in the manwha.

@HorseRider9000 Let's go with your analogy. In case you see someone drowning, you are not obligated to "do" shit (try to save him yourself). You are definitely not obligated to jump in as a professional diver/swimmer to try and save the guy. Let me go further, even as a professional life rescuer walking by in his free time, you are not obligated to help (what if you were walking by with your 2 year old kid and no one else is near by? Do you think any law can make you abandon your child while you go off helping someone else?). Emergency situations are not professional situations. Your mental state in an emergency is totally different than in a controlled environment, or in the case of a life rescuer you simply lack of the equipment to make save with a close to 100% success rate.

By law, you will not be held responsible for "not helping" (more specifically: not jumping in to save a drowning person) because it is an emergency. You will have to deal with your own conscience and the griefing trashtalk of the victim's family members occasionally (who later when they can think clearly just apologise probably) though, that's true. That is the life of a nonpsychopath.

What you are obligated to by law, however, is to call the emergency services (nowadays they have a common number like 911 for cops, ambulance and firefighters) so they can start the rescuing process. That also counts as "helping someone". In fact, a drowning person will most likely pull you down with them which might surprise you and you might drown too, that's why it's not advised to do so for untrained personel, even if you are God Phelps. What if the water is too cold and you start cramping, you cant see the water temperature (what if you cannot check due of the height difference?). There are a lot to consider. Cant you just find a branch/rope and try helping him too.
But all of these after you call the emergency services, that's always what you HAVE TO do first.

We are all different, and we are humans. You want to jump in and try to save him? Go for it tiger, good for you. We only have to do what we can do in emergency situations. If it's only that you can call 911 as a professional swimmer when you see a drowning person, then it is fine. You will not be a bad person if you did what you could in an emergency situation.

And frankly, if you think it is different in real life, you either have never been in an emergency situation, or you have to grow up. Or both.

So, your analogy fails because if it's to work MC should call something like emergency services to help the Japanese people instead of him. There is no such thing. MC is the emergency services.
This is why your analogy fails.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
this shit never ceases to amaze me with the amount of "heated discussions" it generates every other chapter. lol
Jul 21, 2019
Top Kek. This brainlet is quoting Winston Churchill. The raging alcoholic that destroyed the British empire, and infamously killed millions of starving Indians. Without the Crown Jewel, the Empire could only last to the end of the war without rebellions because of his harshness on the Indians during the famine times. Churchill often made disparaging comments about Indians, particularly in private conversation. At one point, he explicitly told his Secretary of State for India, Leo Amery, that he "hated Indians" and considered them "a beastly people with a beastly religion".

There's nothing more amusing than a pretentious pseudointellectual moron. Keep seething more, troglodyte.
Jul 21, 2019
@maala I already stated the waters were calm and safe for the professional swimmer. Not dangerous in the slightest. So everything you described is irrelevant. The same is for Jing Woo who has godly powers and would rek the Japan town monsters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
>Goes on a long winded rant, crying about Churchill
>Tries to pretend he has the moral high ground
>Still won't quote me because he's a little bitch
Aug 15, 2020
Did they actually skip a part from the novel?? Or did they not?
I will be kinda disappointed in the web novel if they skipped that part.

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