Lu Tian's removal didn't work out. He just stopped dodging hits once he used removal and tried to brute force the fight so Agito dealt with it casually. Honestly, I was hoping he'd be more of a match and push Agito more.
I had forgotten that Kure Erioh was the first fang of Metsudo.
It's pretty interesting to see that Agito sees Ryuki in his past self. It's too bad Ryuki is all alone and moping. I would have thought someone would make sure to keep him company after what he's experienced instead of leaving him alone when he's vulnerable.
Also, holy carpets, it's Kiryu Setsuna, and he doesn't appear to be crazy. Although I guess we really should wait until the next few chapters to confirm if he isn't a loose cannon yet. I mean he is essentially hitting on Ohma's "clone" right now. He does say that he has lost his beloved forever, so that would imply he isn't expecting that to be able to bring it back. Also, this look suits him.