That new lady is cute...
@SuperChu132 He's already known as a villain... I don't think a different title will make much of a difference.
@RaijinWolf @SilverSeagleLive
To be fair, they originally did plan to kill the big guy, but they couldn't without using bombs and stuff.
That said, I find the lack of death penalty kinda weird in this. These are deranged super powered killers.
In our world, while we have issues with the Death Penalty, a large part of the reason isn't because people view killing as bad, but because of the fact that we had too many cases of "guilty" people being found innocent and the fact that it's not always applied fairly (black people are more likely to get death penalty than whites for the same crimes).
And frankly, in our real world, humans are drastically easier to neutralize and not nearly as dangerous as in these comics.
Yet somehow, rules kept in mind for our real world are being used in a society where these lunatics could easily slaughter thousands.