Like Mc said, they’re going to see the saint aka the next person to “die” is the ex. “Die” bc he kind of torture hers and plays with her feeling after her saying things like she still loved him and blah blah blah. Ultimately, she’s turned into an ugly demon sent fight the remaining demon army minion thingy. She was turned ugly bc she was always proud of her beauty. Don’t feel bad tho, cause she’s a slut. She didn’t only sleep with the Mc and hero, but she also slept with other such as the current priest behind hero’s back. I don’t really remember what else happens. If I remember correctly, she was sent to die slowly, but someone said she was getting chased by knights/adventurer to be killed. Idk, I haven’t read in a while. After her, it’s the hero I think. He believes that the saint is loyal to the point that he stated to the Mc that he took her V card. But in fact, it was the Mc who took it and that she also sleeps with other. Why did she sleep with the hero to begin with? While being terrified in the custody of Mc, she said that she really did love Mc and was happy he proposed. The reason she betrayed him and slept with the hero was only to use the hero’s status. Her goal was to become a priest so she figured that in the end game, if she was seen with the hero, she would get a higher promotion. Also while being terrified, she said that she still loved MC(which idk if I’d believe her) and offer to be his wife(?slave?idk don’t remember) but he wanted her to be his subordinate so he turned her into a demon.