Jul 26, 2019
"1.) No, we are not meant to beat the official release in terms of quality. We are not getting paid for CL/RD, Translation, and typesetting nor do we plan to be. The notion that a free to read fan scanslation is supposed to be at a higher standard than an official release from a professional industry is just ridiculous. Whilst some fansubs do strive for perfection, remember that certain groups do pay their staff for their time, WE DON'T."
This is a poor excuse for shoddy work. I'd rather read the raws than this


Aggregator gang
Feb 2, 2018
@CookieMuncher what on earth is this accent supposed to even be? Some kind of garbled up British or Scottish accent? Trying to stay true to the feeling of having Kansai dialect is one thing, but when you're just making up accents on the fly because they're different obviously people are gonna be pissed. I'm southern myself and no one would ever talk like you have her talking.
Sep 5, 2019
I understand you're frustrated that your hard work is being met with a bunch of backlash. Scanlation is time-consuming work, and I respect that. Now that being said, your addressing of the third point doesn't sit right with me. Are we entitled to scanlations? Certainly not, but that doesn't mean that you get to be completely free from criticism. You have decided to suddenly change how you're translating a character's speech patterns 125 chapters in to the series. Granted, you took over after Doki dropped it, but you still have translated over 20 chapters of the series. Making this kind of change so far in to the series is just bizarre and was definitely off putting to many of us.

At the end of the day, it's your scanlation and you can do what you want with it. But if you post this publicly, you should expect criticism. Your tone in points 3 and 4, as well as the "Result" really makes you come off as a dick.
Group Leader
Apr 27, 2018

I would like to clarify some things...

1.) Yes, I am a dick, and I don't intend to hide that. (However, I only get salty when I put a lot of effort into something, only to have it get shit on.)

2.) I have reworded "result" to "To Summarize" to increase clarity, and for those who don't want to read through my miniature paragraph.

3.) Overall we've generally lost interest in scanning this series, so this wasn't the sole, or largest reason. It was just an additional excuse for us to let the series go once and for all.

4.) We are redoing previous chapters to improve consistency, as many of you complained about the sudden change.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
All I read was a cope.
Don't start releasing a wacky meme translation for the sake of "accuracy" or "muh localization" when everything's worked fine and dandy until now and then try to act like you're a victim because people couldn't understand fuck-all. And yet despite being so tired about the series and wanting to drop it you're still willing to put in the energy to go and "fix" the previous chapters? C'mon son. Who buys that?
If you wanted to just drop the series just drop it. No need to do this just so you can start playing the victim and make it so like you were bullied into dropping the series or whatever. It's as unseemly as what was done to Yun this chapter.

>1.) Yes, I am a dick, and I don't intend to hide that. (However, I only get salty when I put a lot of effort into something, only to have it get shit on.)
Ah, so it's okay when you do it to others but not when others do it to you? lmao.
Aug 2, 2019
Oh, wow, dear God, can't believe how entitled people are... Like, geez, if you don't like it, don't read it. Go buy the official localization instead. Or pirate it somewhere if you don't wanna spend money, I bet you can find it if you try.

Or I dunno, go learn Japanese and translate it better yourself if it annoys you so much. At least you'll be doing something useful other than complaining about someone giving you free content... >.>

Seriously, who cares if her accent changed? It is still easy to understand anyways.

Thanks for the chapter, Cookie, glad to know you'll at least keep going until the end of the volume~


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@CookieMuncher There is a difference between not putting effort to be better than someone that gets paid, and purposely put effort to make something as bad as the people that get paid, which is what you're doing, if you aren't getting paid that's more of a reason to not put the effort into changing the accent, official stuff gets paid to butcher things, there is no reason for people that don't get paid to do it too.

Yun doesn't talk much outside her chapters, so this isn't that big of a deal, but doing this change in a chapter in which she gets tons of dialogue was a really bad decision, usually when someone does a nasty change you ease the people into it, here it would be doing the change in a chapter in which Yun has 1 or 2 lines, and once people get used to it, then go wild with a chapter like this, not expecting backslash is too much lack of self-awareness.

I'm not a native english speaker, and a lot of people reading isn't either, making your readers pull a dictionary for something that is supposed to be translated from japanese already isn't smart, just because her accent it's supposed to be thick, you don't have to make it hard to read, she doesn't even speak funny and energetic when you hear her talk in the anime either. Like the anime itself handled perfectly her kansai dialect in the subs, why not follow that? It was thick enough in the show without being hard to understand for non native english speakers. Follow something simple, you aren't getting paid to go the extra effort for a worse job.

Have you seen what Seven Seas did to other manga:

The stuff they do to manga isn't good, it's nasty, it ruins the experience. That's why we need scanlations for New Game, they aren't in good hands in their official release, they're in terrible hands, it's impossible to read New Game in their official release and I'll never pay for it, I rather buy the japanese version if I want to give money to Tokutaro, Seven Seas aren't getting money for something unreadable.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
Certain people didn't do anything but they sure a lousy mouth. Do they know a heck about translating? Why do they keep butt into other people business? If it's so displeasing them, then stop! Who need some toxic keyboard advice anyway?
Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2018
"The official release does it like this" should be a reason *not* to do something. Since when was Crunchyroll or anyone else a role model for scanlation? And really, if you're just going to be taking notes from thr official release anyway, what's even the point of bothering then? Hopefully this gets picked back up by someone who cares more in the future.
Jan 30, 2018
That is a pretty high-effort low-return feature though. Though I guess that's the sort of thing that gets greenlit when you grab a random artist to be the lead designer.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Reusing assests is quite common but I feel like if its done too frequently, the visuals start to become uncomfortable
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
If this is getting dropped anyway in 3 chapters I can handle the accent, but putting in the work to retroactively fuck non-native speakers, that have to stop reading to figure out what the hell is being said, by redoing previous chapters is just weird. Thank God for Tachiyomi in times like these.

Thanks for the translations thus far anyway
Jan 22, 2018
Well I guess Radiata Stories did the (almost) all characters are recruitable and have their own lifecycle.
Apr 28, 2018
Look at all these niggas having too much free time they start bullying scanlators.

Why are you guys being such an entitled crybabies, what are you 12?
Considering you all have too much free time then I assume yes.

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