Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@Bluubuckets @HellifIknow and it's completely justified to portray America in such a light. Think of what the fuck has happened in just the last several years in America, and tell me why people should think of America in a positive light? Better yet, think of America historically, and tell me why anyone would still think of America in a positive light? They always stick their noses in every country's politics and try to influence it in their own way, and yet get angry that the Russians are doing the same to them. They invade and cause wars for their own benefit, disregarding human life, and yet act outraged at China for their oppression. China's oppression is just not hidden, although they may outwardly deny it, but America likes to act like they're on the side of justice despite having equally bloody and greedy hands. And I say this as an American, not as a foreigner looking only from an outside perspective.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
holy shit we are finally finding out about what happened with his dad. How many chaps has it been since he was introduced?
Oct 16, 2020
@goodhunter america, china and russia is basically the same, big country with attitude.
you can criticize america whatever you want and nobody care, you criticize china?? your comic will be banned and you get attacked by their brainwashed mob relentlessly.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
While MC is indeed slowly losing his humanity bit by bit, I wouldn't say that what he did in this chapter is uncalled for or an act of evil of any sort. Since early on he was portrayed as someone who protects his family and loved ones, he'll do anything for them and will do anything to protect them at all costs. He clearly has said that he doesn't want his family ever involved or for any harm to come to his family. Now this idiotic Adam White dude just came to him and told him that his (as far as MC knows) "dead" dad is going to become public enemy number 1. In other words, they're going to go after his dad, and I'm sure MC has a lot of mixed feelings about his missing/supposedly dead father as well. So Adam was pretty stupid to just bring that up the way he did, he should have come at it in a much more careful manner.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@kilisloe every view is biased, no view is ever truly unbiased.

Regardless of the matter, my opinion is that every country is pretty shit and no country really deserves being portrayed in a great manner. Especially when it comes to the bigger, powerful nations in our world. They're superpowers for a reason, and most of those reasons come from a very immoral/unethical place. And at the end of the day, almost all, if not all, media tends to portray their own home country as the "good person" compared to other countries. You read manga, mangas always seem to portray Japan in a better light compared to other nations. American media does the same. Other nation's medias does the same. People in positions of power will for the most part be shitty, because power corrupts even the best of people.

@hahaha13 you're right, every big country is basically the same at the core, but there are indeed certain differences in the way it's done. China has a totalitarian government, so they have control over the media and the people have no say, are powerless. and are too afraid to do anything. To that extent, similarly with Russia. Putin and his cronies don't like what you're doing and they want you gone? You'll be gone.
Sep 10, 2018
@goodhunter and dont forget that to catch/find the so-called soon to be public enemy number 1, the easiest way to get to their weakness is their family. Obviously the conference of world leaders would know of MC's achievements and his prowess so they can't touch him, or barely scratch him, so they go for the next weakest link, the Sister and Mother. They would be the next potential target/hostages of those world leaders decided to use such a tactic against MC's father
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@fangasm exactly. This is literally a threat to his family's safety, not even considering the dad, and I'm fairly sure MC would have no issue threatening the entire conference or even putting some of them down to make an example of what would happen if they even think about doing anything against his family again in the future.
Oct 20, 2018
Daddy Sung (ʃƪ^3^)

@goodhunter as someone who read the novel ahead this
is true, MC would threaten all the hunters in the conference
Jul 24, 2019
This group's "translation" is such a heap of mtl trash. How is it not even released first, considering an actual translation that makes sense was out faster?
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
so, iirc it was those other monarchs we saw in what little of the fight we got to see, but daddy's getting the blame cause he's the only other person in the world known to be strong enough to do so (remember so far the monarchs either erase everybody's memories or everybody's lives when they do interact with the locals)...and because these f***ing twats started a fight with him in the first place by claiming MC was dead and are now using that "history" as an excuse to blame him?
Sep 4, 2019
I'm getting the feeling the father's a leveler too. Like can't be coincidence that jinwoo and his father are insanely strong.
Sep 8, 2020
Dammit sung jin woo, you can't just crush anyone's laptop when you startled! you won't imagine how many collections of ****** there!

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