Double-page supporter
Nov 30, 2019
@Jachinz @monkey123 This might be addressed next chapter, hell Arashiyama might even win that way if the author sees it as an obvious fight outcome, but there is a partial explanation if Arashiyama doesn't/can't throw Hayami out of the ring. His throws work by manipulating his opponent's momentum and center of gravity, with the fine control of that manipulation achieved by pinching their clothes. The problem is that without a solid grab he can't actually throw his opponent a fair distance, only "throw" them in the martial context, i.e. to the ground. He's so min/maxed he'd only have that option for victory if he can bring the match to the edge of the ring, or if he switches to literally grabbing and hurling Masaki, a very large man, half a dozen meters. Possible, but not his forte.


Apr 5, 2020
I honestly doubt Arashiyama has ever had to throw someone out of the ring before in his life so it might never even occur to him. He's in there to prove his ability as the greatest judoka, not to win by technicality.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2020
Man if only a master of throwing could... maybe... I don't know... THROW him outside the arena?
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2018
You should read the comment by @agtra who explains the reason for ring out not being a thing. I thought the same thing as you until agtra’s comment explained it
Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2019
Thanks for the translation!

I'm really enjoying this fight so far; Masaki vs Jurota is basically that old "unmovable object vs. unstoppable force" dilemma. Jurota can't incapacitate Masaki because he doesn't feel pain, and Masaki can't get a lead over Jurota because he's a much skilled fighter... or at least it's what I thought before Masaki broke Jurota's right shoulder blade into smithereens, haha. Can't set those pieces back like a dislocated elbow, y'know.
Mar 5, 2019
Unironically this is my 2nd favorite fight sofar next to misasa’s. Anywho, Thanks for the upload!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Honestly, the way the elbow was dislocated, I really don't think it could have been set back. It was forcefully struck and bent backwards so it's very likely there was a fracture and I just don't believe ligaments weren't torn and the whole thing in need of surgery and rest to regain mobility.

Also, even if he doesn't feel pain, he's still susceptible to injuries, being knocked out and other effects of head traumas. Even if, somehow, he had avoided all head injury because he had only been thrown cleanly on his back and not his head, the reality is that he should have suffered some form of injury to any part that was in contact with the ground. Namely, if his shoulders or legs hit the hard ground first without him dampening the blow, they should have sustained injury, and possibly gotten some bones broken.

But in this fantasy world, he's some sort of super creepy unbreakable freak.

I mean, I just can't find myself rooting for him but I also can't be interested in his purgatory opponent and the fight, while somewhat of a novelty because, is just weird and lame (and I don't mean bad because it's still pretty good, just not very cool), because it keeps pausing and going due to the throws and there aren't a whole lot of misses (failure to dodge throws on one side, failure to dodge strikes on the other).
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2018
Judo is such a household name in Japan I would be surprised if the author gives it the L
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2018
I'm so not into this tournament with uninteresting characters and kinda just want to see Ohma fight already.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
Throws dont get enough plays in martial arts manga. Its almost always either about strikes or holds. This fight has been a treat.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
As with most martial arts manga centered on tournament arcs, everyone is unexplainably superhuman or downright inhuman.

If y'all want almost realistic ones, try reading Hajimete no Ippo or Kohinata Minoru, those of which are focused on the actual real-life sport of martial arts.

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