Especially considering the artist's series.You smell that? Yes thats right.
Gay bait.
I actually did a double take for the yaoi tagYou smell that? Yes thats right.
Gay bait.
As an oneshot, this was nothing.
Not a good choice if the goal was to make a reader interested in a novel series.
We are just getting told that the convict is apparently good at the job, but he doesn't do anything to show that.
The entire thing is a bunch of hot air.
I am not interested in even looking at the novel, even if I was reading novels.
QFTInstead of “Oneshot”, let's call this a “Pilot”, and add the tags “Commercial Failure” and “Artistic Failure”.
Even as a promo, it did nothing to make me even the slightest bit interested in the more like a promo than a oneshot, for some reason. Almost as if it was a mis-tagged promo