Still feels like she’s trying to escape, she’s not been acting committed so to say.My guess: Kind of seems that she put Kaede on such a high pedestal that she felt that she herself was not worthy of being with her, so she purposely went to other shallow relationships as an escape.
Just my random guess.
If I had taken such advice five years ago, I probably wouldn’t be married.Kaede really is a positive person. She's smiling 90% for better or worse.
But yeah her little backstory was about on par with what I expected–men being pushy and obnoxious and Kaede actually giving a shit about her and the things she cares about. Like many have speculated she most likely felt that she couldn't stand alongside Kaede for whatever reason and dipped.
Thanks for the translation (and no matter how horny you may be do try your best not to kiss someone with a cold).
way is this such an popular troupe?? non-consenting kisses are disgustingNoo Aoi don’t kiss the sleeping wonan you creep