DID I CRY?????? DID I, DID I?????? YES, OF COURSE I CRIED. DID YOU SEE JINYOUNG'S FACE WHEN SEONG EUN WAS APOLOGIZING? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 She was sorry tooo :"((( She was also hurt too and I know she also want to mend it :"((( GAAAAAAAH. And I felt Seong Eun's breakdown in the rain just like that, bcos sometime in my life, I think I've done that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I really love this manhwa. 😭😭😭😭😭
Some emotional problems may be "small" and "not really important" to others but, we have oir own problems and expectations with ourselves. And so, I can also understand Jinyoung. She was literally so immensed with her career. It was her career, itw ould be her profession. And anyone so passionate with such work and doesn't see the work as a hobby, but as a porfessional work would be upset with Seong Eun's statement. Because Jinyoung is so pressured. While Seong Eun, is not. It is Jinyoung's problem to deal with her own emotions when Seong Eun said that, but looks like when you are too emotional, you only think of yourself and do not think what could have been behind those words of Seong eun. It was a clash of mindset and goals and understanding and wisdom of life.