Jan 20, 2018
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@Kiraishi I'm not mad or anything so don't worry thanks for your concern :).
It's just i felt like i needed to make a statement before i ignore the hate comments, because we really don't have this problem anywhere else for the most part because people understand that we improved over time and they actually read the whole thing before they judge or realize that not every comic is going to be perfect at the beginning.
i wanted us to show our imperfections from the beginning and how we grow from there.
Glad you are enjoying our series and thanks again for reading our comic :)
I will be posting the next chapter once we build up the pages again and will make it even longer next time.
Jan 18, 2018
This series does deserve it's rating more or less.

To explain why, let's look at the components of a series that goes into a rating.

We're first gonna need to understand that, because this series is thrown out into public spotlight, it's going to be compared to professional mangas and webtoons. Why? Because it's how ratings work. Ratings compare something against every other of it's type. You don't just give a series a high rating because it's one of the good ones for user created content. You give a series a high rating because it's one of the good ones out there.

First off, of course we're gonna see alot of people bashing on the art. Although it does improve, if I had to put it on an art scale, with 10 being the best quality and 1 being 5 second scribbles, across the whole series, it'd probably fally under a 5/10 on average. Recent art, maaybe 6/10.

But art alone doesn't dictate the rating of a series. Look at the original one punch man web series. Proof that art doesn't dictate ratings. This is where plot and delivery come into play.

Plot and delivery may seem like the same thing, but it really isn't. Plot is the contents of a story and delivery is how it's told to the readers.

Plot-wise... Ehh... If you strip down the plot to it's essence, I can see this being maaybe a 6/10 or 7/10 depending on where it goes but what the series really suffers from is delivery.

Even though it's a different genre, the way the first chapter of the original one punch man has art of questionable quality, was 15 pages long. Plot of the first chapter: overpowered MC beats a baddie, saves a girl. Nothing special but still keeps it's readers through the way the story is conveyed. This is how much delivery of a story affects a series.

Delivery is probably a big reason why so many manga artists focus on manuscripts or why you see any mangas that include a manga artist character mentioning manuscripts and meeting with editors. It's to see how the story should be shown to the readers. "Should I give the readers a flashback here or is it enough to just mention in a dialouge box?" "Should we show the character talking or put an image of the spoken topic in this panel?" Alot of the details of the plot are just in the speech bubbles in a huge monologue or one big dialogue bubble while either A) using a character looking straight on at the camera/reader in an uncomfortable way
B) using a reused image
And whenever the characters do look at the camera, nearly every single one of them does it too often or does it in the same exact way every other character looks at the camera. It's unsettling to the reader and makes everyone seem super puppetted.
On the note of reusing character images, this series does it way too much especially in the beginning. It cheapens the feeling of quality of the series severely and if this is your reader's first impression of the story you're trying to tell, then don't expect good results. Your reader's aren't going to respect your story if you don't respect the time your reader's take out of their lives to read your work and feed them overly reused art, especially if the art quality in the beginning falls under maybe a 3/10 or 4/10 quality.

Delivery of a story, unfortunately has to take into consideration on all the parts of the story, including the beginning since delivery is litterally how the reader is introduced to the contents of the plot. This is where the series takes it's hardest hit and gets a 2/10 or a 3/10 rating in my opinion.

It's not the art. It not even the plot. It's what the creators did to the art and plot.

The slapdash delivery of a story ruins and degrades perspective of the quality of the mediocre art and passable plot for this series.

Hence a series deserving of it's poor rating compared to other serialized manga/webtoons of it's genre.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
And Quote what i said earlier

"It's just i felt like i needed to make a statement before i ignore the hate comments, because we really don't have this problem anywhere else for the most part because people understand that we improved over time and they actually read the whole thing before they judge or realize that not every comic is going to be perfect at the beginning.
i wanted us to show our imperfections from the beginning and how we grow from there."

" The main reason why some of you complain that the story is "messy" is because you're expecting something cliche to give you the answers straight out or hints to the reasons why certain events that you can't understand happen which seems out of no where even though it gets explained soon or later on.
I don't like doing typically story telling and like to keep people guessing till it's revealed. I'm not going to argue anyone's opinion just making a statement since i felt this needed to be said."

"Chapter 1- 30 is over a course of a year. Chapters 1-9 is from when we first started over a year ago. Chapter 10 and up is when it improves little by little.
Anyway for the people who do like it we appreciate you guys and the people who don't that's your decision doesn't bother me.
We're just going to keep doing our best for ourselves and the people who do believe in us :)"

" I wouldn't call it "broken ", but a *Plot Twist* instead. Remember everyone writes stories differently.
When i write sometimes i tend to let the readers think the story may go the way they may expect, but completely go in the opposite direction at the last moment or find out that a event that happened wasn't really how it seemed for example."

Also this series is getting popular on Line-Webtoon and tapas plus we work on 5 other comics that people like as well.
So just because some people on here don't like it and can't understand it doesn't mean the series isn't good. ( Also even on mangadex and other sites there are some people that like this series too regardless of some of the negative)
Just differences in opinion that's all. With the art and story we are doing everything in our own unique way not trying to be like or compare to anyone else.
Jan 18, 2018
"i wanted us to show our imperfections from the beginning and how we grow from there."

Understandable, but you have to understand, that if it's imperfect enough, *will always* impact the experience of the story. In this case, in a negative way which really shakes your readers.
From my point of view, there's no shame in trying to reboot beginning chapters if you're not tied to any publications or anything like that.

"The main reason why some of you complain that the story is "messy" is because you're expecting something cliche to give you the answers straight out or hints to the reasons why certain events that you can't understand happen which seems out of no where even though it gets explained soon or later on."

Which is fine, but what most of your initial 2-3 chapters do is try to squeeze too much into the dialogue or awkward monologues. If you read the beginning chapters again, you'll see that most of the details about the story plot literally comes from the characters staring right at the reader and reciting information. To add to that, half the time, the character images for these parts are reused making it seem like they're just reading a script behind the reader's heads.

As I said in my previous post, Your art and story isn't too bad. It's literally how it's presented and delivered that sends readers reeling. Some can recover from the reeling, most can't.
The ones that do are the people who support your series. I find it a shame that it doesn't really have a chance to bring back readers.
The fact that you need to make a disclaimer for your initial chapters proves that even you understand your initial chapters don't quite satisfy your current standards.
I personally do believe that you are doing well for this particular series, but it doesn't change the fact that the overall experience is held back by some problems with the initial chapters.

The fact is, most of your readers do have to "bear with it" for the beginning chapters. This responsibility isn't on the readers, but on the creator themselves.
With this in my mind, what rating do you as the creator think this series deserves on a scale of 1-10?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
I made an account just now to tell @TadxSarahComics that this "webtoon" is one of the most terrible things I've had the disdain to read in the past decade and that nobody cares about your goddamn attention seeking bullshit. The art is an amateurish mess that looks like it was made by a 12 year old who just learned how to use Adobe Illustrator and a drawing tablet and the story is extremely generic as well as logically retarded that would make even Seo Kouji look like a post-modern savant. But what's worse is that instead of wanting to improve whatever this thing and accept legitimate criticism you just deflect and it just shows that you brainless shits don't actually care about making art or even entertainment but just want to use this site as a blog for your fanfic trash.

This is a manga reader website aka a website to read and discuss Japanese manga aka not a place for you to push your hyperwestaboo garbage here and use this site as a glorified blog. Don't like the heat? Then go back to tumblr or whatever website you came from.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@chocolatedounut On Line-Webtoon it has a rating of 8.15/10 and if Tapas had a rating system it would probably be a 7 or 8. So our series would deserve a 7 or 8 based on improvements and if people read the whole story to the current chapter.

Also reboots aren't always perceived well when our fans constantly want to know what happens next and move along with the story. We tried a rebooting a couple of our other series and that was received negativity because they wanted to see how the art and dialogue improved. So it took a while till people were ok with it because they were excited to see what was going to happen next.

So Line-webtoon and tapas wise that's what the readers wanted instead of a reboot because a lot of people thought it would be cool to see how it progressed.

Whenever we post a chapter we draw it the same day we post it. So it wouldn't make sense to let everyone down and redo everything though we'll improve where we can
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@araaramaamaa I'm ignoring you and didn't even bother reading everything you had to say.
I'm still going to post and don't care one bit for your negativity :)
If you can't have a opinion (Whether good or bad) without being civilized then i'm not listening.
Btw you're blocked again XD
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
Good thing I'm not blocked from everyone else seeing my posts.

If you're reading this do yourself a favor and RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN because the author is a massive attention whore and this "webtoon" will literally make you go blind faster then drinking pure wood alcohol no joke. You can tell when the author says "but people who love shit like my shit so it must taste good" that the projection and delusions of grandeur are truly real in this case.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@araaramaamaa Honestly the only one who is attention seeking is you or anyone else trying to make this a bigger issue than it has to be.
If people like the series or not either way that's fine so don't twist my words.
I only block people who aren't being respectful and trying to cause drama.
For example if someone is civilized and says the reasons why they don't like our comic without calling us names or ridiculing us then it wouldn't be a problem and we could discuss it.
But you are acting very immature about this and you already know we have permission to post our comic.
So you are just trying to argue for no reason and that's why i blocked you
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
If I'm blocked why are you still responding to my posts?

Also stop shilling this trash on /a/ assclown. The fact that this turd is a collaborative effort makes it even more terrible!
Jan 6, 2019
@TadxSarahComics Hey sonny I want a refund. You've made a campaign promise that the art gets better as the chapter goes on, but just Chapter 1 Tyson with chapter 31's Tyson that's obviously not true.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@Weebu dude i can see that you just made another new account and i'm going to keep blocking you so you might as well give up.
I'm here to stay and i will be ignoring any drama :)
Because we will keep doing our best for the people who do believe in us on here no matter how few and for our fans on webtoons, tapas and anywhere else and i refuse to let anyone get us down :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
It's not me, but since I'm blocked you can't see this post can you?
Also yes you're still here unless the mods remove you for breaking the non-Asian manga material rule since I doubt you consulted with them beforehand.
Jan 6, 2019
@TadxSarahComics I don't think you understand how this comment section work, blocking me ain't gonna make your promise true either. Unless you give me a proper explanation on why he looks like a squashed pumpkin compared to chapter 1, I'm gonna have to ask for my time back.
There other outlets for these kind of low quality self pandering SJW LGBTABCDEFG bullshit where people of the same mental capacity visit frequently, you really should get off the real platforms and save us all the trouble.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@ araaramaamaa @weebu i can see your comments when i log off and go on ask the mods. What's keeping you? you're making a big fuss about this, but you're afraid to ask them in fear that i will be right.
So go on humor me because i done nothing wrong. I'm just posting my comic to share.
Apr 30, 2018
YIKES, I actually doubt the author actually has a "wife" and pretty sure she's just imaginary. The "Sarah" part of the TadxSarahComics being 100% fictional authorwank, just like this """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""comic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

I feel so sorry for you dude. You're the first person on the internet that I actually legitimately think who is an actual incel in the very true sense of that word.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
for the people who do read our comic on here.
We will be posting the next chapter after we build up 15 to 17 pages and we both appreciate you guys :)

(P.S. I will be ignoring negative immature comments for now on. Though i don't have a problem talking to people who respectfully give us feedback how they think we can improve or some advice in a respectful manner. Meaning no name calling or bashing. Bottom line if you're going to cuss us out or talk us down or start drama i won't bother reading all of your comment and will block you. )
Jul 7, 2018
Thank you for taking the effort to write these stories. They're pretty good in my opinion. The art is cute as well! :)

Adding more pages and substance to the stories while executing them well would definitely increase my rating by two! Keep it up, guys.
Group Leader
Dec 19, 2018
@Ereneia I'm glad you enjoy our comic so far :) I'm happy you find the art cute my wife, Sarah tries her best while drawing and is learning more every chance she can . Also I'm working on improving more with dialogue on my part and we will do our best to make the chapters much longer next time. Thanks we will keep doing our best to improve even more :)

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