365 Days to the Wedding - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - Are You Really Confessing Your Love? (Part 3)

Power Uploader
Aug 11, 2018
@Ushika I think you're a bit harsh here. Almost everyone would freeze up when having a kid suddenly thrust on them, biological child or not. He wanting kid doesn't mean he wants to take care of one right on the spot even before marriage life even starts.
You're probably right about his feeling being shallow though. After all, he barely knows her and he is partly motivated by his romance-tinted vision of marriage.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2020
She needs a responsible partner, not a naive guy with flawed ideas of love.

Whether Gonda will step up to that role is a different deal. But she wasn't looking for romance to begin with, it was all him forcing his ideals onto her.
Apr 29, 2020
My boy Gonda dodged a heavy bullet right there. He better keeps chasing women until he scores for real.
Apr 24, 2020
I think our boy Gonda naively rushed in without getting to know her and fueled by an idealized view of love and family. He should have taken more time and gotten to know her. Even if she didn't have a child, there's a good chance his rose-tinted glasses would get a few cracks, because he didn't prepare himself for dealing with a real person with real history, flaws and such. Hopefully, he'll come back with the answer that he wants to get to know her better even if he doesn't want to date her right now.

I do find some of the comments about single mothers and dating single mothers in this thread a bit off-putting. We really don't know what this specific woman's situation is. She could be a divorcee. She could be a widow. Or, crazy though it may sound, she could have just wanted a baby and didn't want to wait for some dude to decide to enter a long-term relationship with her. And I don't see the issue with raising another man's child because family is determined by bond not by blood. I mean, it's one of the oldest lessons in pop culture (The X-Men are a family! The JSA are a family! The Muppets are a family! The crew of the Serenity are a family! The Forgers from SpyXFamily are slowly becoming a family). But then, it might also be an age thing with me. I'm single and in my late 30s. For women in my age group, I expect some degree of baggage (children, divorce, a string of bad ex-boyfriends) because it's hard to get that far in life without some. Heck, at my age a lack of baggage can become baggage.

Edit: Just realized how fitting my avatar, Jubilee (essentially the foster child of the X-Men) hugging her adopted son Shogo, is to some of what I've been saying.
Dec 3, 2019
right choice, gonda.
look up to this man, boys
this is Real Talk the manga
i really thought the author was gonna have him go for it and it'd be happy ever after. that'd be a lie, so this is great
Aggregator gang
Mar 4, 2019
I don't think he is emotionally mature enough to handle a kid yet. Hope they could still be friends but rushing in without a plan made the relationship awkward now.
Jan 18, 2018
If he was going in date/marry with the intention of overwriting his childhood trauma, he wasn't anywhere ready to be a bf/husband. Kaori isn't there to ease his pain. It's a mutual relationship, not one-sided therapy.

I do hope, over the next couple chapters, he understands more about marriage and the responsibilities that come with it, which include raising a child. It would be really good character development, so I'm looking forward to that, but right now, his face after seeing Kaori's kid is 100% infuriating.
Jan 20, 2018
Is it wrong to become a single mother
Yes, no rational person should ever want to be a single mother.
You are putting yourself and your child into an extremely fragile circumstance, the children of single mothers are vastly over represented among childhood rape and abuse case victims, the prison population and among prostitutes for a reason.
And the sort of men that will pursue single mothers are not the sort of men any woman would be happy with.
Why should any man want to invest their time and hard earned money into supporting a child that isn't their own or dealing with the drama of single mothers and their messy pasts, these women become wed to the state and some of the worst welfare leaches imaginable.
Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances such as for widows, but otherwise it's an indicator of extremely poor decision making or partner selection.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019

that's sounds extreme.
my mother is a single parent (widow), raising 4 kids when she was 42 (the oldest is 20, while the youngest is 10). she don't want to marry again, evem till today. glad we manage to survive thos hard days. none of us involved in any crime either

Ironically, my current crush is a single mother abt 8 years older than me. reading your comment makes me question my own self esteem and how things will progress from now. but the present me genuinely adore this woman and her child is very playful with me. alas, I think many things should be considered again here. thanks
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
@bejad007 I also think it sounds extreme, being a single mother might be hard but it's not necessarily something bad. There are lot's of capable mothers who do their best and sometimes it's a better decision to stay single, tho having someone helps a lot.

In the context of the manga, I really hope that Gon doesn't give up, he is a really nice guy and it would be great to see him striving to be a person fit to be a good parent and husband, making his dream to have a good, healthy family a reality.

As for you I wish you luck on your relationship with the woman you like.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019

yeah, Gon definitely need to grow as better man. and that woman deserve a better life too. relationship isn't just abt the fun, they should help each other for the hard times ahead.

also thanks, I really appreciate the kind words

I've planned a date with her this weekend, and want to have a serious talk abt it.
Sep 16, 2018
I think both statements are valid, people who don't want to date single mothers and those who do, it depends on the person, hence, whatever decision you make after thinking about it really hard, its your right choice.
Jul 23, 2020
the latest chapters of this manga have all just been a massive bruh moment for every character lol
Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2019
in manga it's cool to get hot single moher,
irl NOPE NOPE NOPE single mother are bpd simulator
Double-page supporter
Dec 22, 2019
Really? You just freeze up there?
Yep, any virgin would freeze there. Anyone would freeze at the news of new and complex responsibilities. That is baggage and probably a deal breaker for fatty, but I hope he maintains his goal with her

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