Group Leader
Apr 10, 2018
Oh really now? Trying to snipe us with this bullshit for early views? Let's see...obvious rush job, huh? You have shitty TS and horrible English. You didn't even bother to TL the SFX or attempt style match them, well hell, you didn't even fucking TS them. You know, I did the exact same shit as this on my chapter 15. Mine sucked badly. Of course, I had no idea what the hell I was doing and it showed.

Your font changes and attempts at centering and TS lead me to believe you know more than I did. I didn't even know what sniping was. I apologized and now work with the guy I fucked over on a release. Now everyone who reads on aggregators is going to be fed this hot plate of garbage, all so you could brag on Twitter...You didn't even approach us and ask if you could help us or join up. I mean it's been all us for over the last two months so it's not like you "didn't know" this title already had an English release.

So maybe you didn't know. I'll give you the same courtesy I was shown by a certain member after my horrid attempt. Fuck you, and fuck this bullshit you uploaded.

Also, @thebenefactor - After Robo, Khaos, myself, and others have worked so hard to give you a good read for this title, you want to thank this asshole for this garbage? Some loyalty.

P.S. Your watermarks are hideous too. Trust me, nobody will want to steal this.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
Oh boy here we fucking go again.

This is almost LHTranslation level of font change abuse.
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018
I'd rather watch two AIDS infected cockroaches have sex in a tank full of human sewage and garbage than read this shit
Group Leader
Apr 10, 2018
@hbalck he's here because he's the translator for the good version and it's bullshit when someone Snipes your title.

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