Mar 12, 2018
@art17 No, people should call out bad translators. It's how they will improve. If it's bad, tell em it's bad. Tell people it's bad. If you stay quiet they'll consider it up to standards and not do anything to improve it. This is how it works.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@LysandersTreason is just like i said in the end my coment.

I can't tell you how to live your life.

every people is different... maybe in your place like this.. and at my place like that... but we are in global network that have many different people from different place.... Common sense of our place maybe different ... so.. yeah.. i'm just want to say that... after see your reply to my coment...
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@arosama yes, you are right, telling them that their work is good or bad is valid and you have the right to tell them so, what I'm calling out here, is that some users are telling them not to publish their translations, who are they to do so? Are they the bosses here? If people are calling out bad translators, it's a valid opinion, but telling them to stop publishing what they want is not.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@APlatypus another day in the office, you know, people telling others what to do with their free time and speaking in the name of "the community", instead for themselves.

And you know, very busy to help, but with enough free time to prohibit others to publish their work.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Well at least someone tried to translate a chapter of this manga, something that nobody did in 3 month...
Of course it was barely readable as it is but thanks to this, someone else might be releasing correctly translated chapters sooner than later and this manga was remembered by readers and translators.
So in a way that was a success, and was way more constructive than just ranting about the lack of chapter while doing nothing or ranting more later about the fact that this release was unreadable, just critisizing without doing anything to help.
So thanks for getting this manga out of the oblivion, and thanks for those that will work on it later on to give readable chapters to the community (because yeah this is a community of fantranslations, there is a reason why there is no commercially translated works here you know, so no need to go pro here... ? ).

By the way I hope all the ones that went "If you can't, don't even try to do it !" without offering anything to help fix it won't act the same way when they are in front of a toddler showing them proudly his first unshapely drawing, or when somebody that can't swim is drowning nearby...

@art17 I understand what you want to say, but no need to be vulgar about it. A dash of sarcasm is enough (okay it wasn't a dash, more of a full barrel of it), no need to bother the poor already overworked moderators ... ?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@zenyo I couldn't agree more with you, there are a lot of those who are criticizing as if they've just purchased this chapter, when you call them out of what are they doing to help scanlators, everyone suddenly is more busy to help than a President, but somehow they have the time to read these mangas and to complain because they are not translating them or they don't like the last page (as in the Isekai Maou typewritter).

And well, the mods don't have a lot to do, they just have an script that reports them when somebody uses a taboo word. I'm not so sure how many of them, but I'll do my tests...
Jan 29, 2018
@art17 actually they totally can tell them not to translate it, thats their opinion. the difference between paying for a service and not, is whether they have to LISTEN to your opinion, not whether you can share it. they can tell the TL not to do it, but the TL has no obligation to listen, and no rules on MD were broken afaik so ya.

also who are you to tell people that "If people are calling out bad translators, it's a valid opinion, but telling them to stop publishing what they want is not." so now you get to judge whats a valid opinion and whats not???
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@banjomarx actually, they could, they keep doing it with this and other translators, but that's not an opinion, that's censorship, and I will stand against it always, unlike Mr. taboo words mod...

Who am I? just another user, just like others, but I will defend the users who want to publish their translations against the ones who try to censor them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
It's not censorship it's called quality control.
Steaming piles of feces shouldn't become a standard here even if this might hurt some people's feelings.
This chapter was almost like that, at least the guy didn't use comic sans bright yellow typeset.
And your argument that "if it's free you have no right to refuse" is absolutely retarded, drop it.
Jan 29, 2018
@art17 thats not censorship, censorship is forcing them to stop, an opinion is an opinion lol, you are being ridiculous and i cant tell if ur trolling or u just generally dont know wtf ur talking about xD
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Equilibrium wrong again, I told you and everyone else "if you don't like it, don't read it", don't bend my words to adapt to your argument, so, telling others to stop translating is quality control, I suppose that you pay them for that, or you are gonna translate this.

All of that is rethoric, I know that you are more busy than all of the presidents together, that you are the translator of thousands of papers and books, and somehow, you find time to come to tell others what they can or can't translate, same with everyone else who is whining here and don't translate it.
@banjomarx censorship is telling others what they can or can't do, and I'm telling them, "if you don't like it, don't read it", I stand with that opinion and the one who is trolling are you, so I will respond to your pathetic attempt to troll with "it's my opinion, who are you to tell me not to tell others who the can or can't censor"?
Jan 29, 2018
lol let me share the definition of censorship "the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security:
"the regulation imposes censorship on all media" "
we are not in any way forcing the matter, no one here is prohibiting or supressing the release, so no we are NOT censoring their work. Censorship is a matter of FORCE and we are sharing OPINIONS about whether or not they SHOULD do this, not saying we will like shut down their internet or something to force them to lmao. if you dont know what a word is, dont use it, cuz frankly you sound like a moron
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
art17 you are either stupid as hell or a very bad troll, either way I feel bad for you.
Feb 5, 2018
@Fadamor , clearly you didn't read all the comments before generalizing your statement.

Actually I have read all the comments, including your absurd rules about who should and who shouldn't post. If scanlation were left to you, nobody would be allowed to post until they met your standards for English fluency. Thank God you are a nobody and what you want isn't required to be provided by anybody but your mommy. For someone with "WhoCares" in their avatar name, you seem to care way too much.

I'll say it again, all the whining by people here (especially you) regarding the quality of the English in this chapter hadn't submit their version of the same chapter. If you can do better, DO BETTER. Don't sit on your haunches whining about someone else's work in a language they do not natively speak. At least they tried, which is more than I can say for you.

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