Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Kronix's opinion disappeared the second he started going on about the lack of progress and romance in manga where 2 of the main characters are married and the third is their daughter. He obviously struggles to understand what the content he is pretending to read is really about and focus's on one thing the lack of sex. Which non of the manga's he is reading is ever going to include that.
Jan 19, 2018

This is a good picture.
Apr 30, 2018
I loved this chapter, it's good to see both the girls growing up <3.
The last 40 plus chapter are all in the Summer Vacations part, so the author maybe decided to have character growth before going back to classes and plot development. (They may be ''fillers'', but they are all precious and cute.)

P.s: There's a war happening in the coments too. xD!
Active member
Apr 19, 2018

Skin-deep: Cannot think or won't interpret things beyond a title or appearance and themselves focus on keeping their appearance as just that; an appearance. Will never find a deeper meaning in books beyond the literal words."Don't judge a book by its cover" is a common saying and is advising you against being skin-deep.

base- Morally low, shallow, devoid of intelligence.

So kronix would judge you based on how you appear, rather than what you say.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Man, this kinda comment section is why this place needs disqus or at the very least an improved comment section. Absolute fucking chaos.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Tikibo Nope, I'm just playing devil's advocate cause it's more fun. Reply back to me with an argument if you wanna continue the debate, otherwise just ignore this reply. I just like debates.

Don't take my arguments seriously, I'm just looking for fun.

@Glave Yeah I pretty much shot myself in the foot with that Wikipedia quote. I was hoping you didn't notice so that I would get an easy win. Continuing with the debate cause you were the only one who responded...

Yes, Wikipedia is not a reliable source but is it really wrong? I'm not defending Wiki as a reliable source but considering that wiki's definition is a commonly-accepted one; judging from the fact that even if anyone could've edit to change it, the definition is still there which proves that every person who comes across that page has not disagreed enough to bother altering the definition; I'd say that it is good enough considering this is not a formal debate.

Yes, I cherry-picked. However I did so only because all other definitions available on the first page of Google either point out the same thing but paraphrased or does not fit the context of the argument. I dove in deeper to prove my point that the manga does not mirror the tags' true image.

And here's the elephant in the room. You pointed out that the tags are to represent part of the manga and not its whole. Well, by definition, that means that in order to represent a part of something you must not offend the whole. Like, you can't put a monkey's heart into a shark, right?

As for the evidence to my claim, I shall bring back my points: the romance does not include the two main characters, the comedy is not true because it is only wholesome rather than funny and built upon cliches, the 4-koma... well I gotta give that one to you because the 4-koma part does not offend the manga's mixed panels - it mixes 4-koma into part of its varied amount of panel layouts, same goes for school-life as well.

Pretend that you didn't see this cause I need to say this for the record. Yes, I know I'm wrong, but defending a wrong opinion makes it all the more challenging and fun for me.
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018

1) i dont see how how and why would a tag being a contradiction to the other tag. it's not exactly rely on systemic correlation to function like it's lego or biological structure that you implied. there's a lot of instance that proves even comedy and tragedy can exist in the same dimension. example; kronix.

2) romance is as abstract and subjective a theme could be. and you disregard that part just to be specific. and while using wikipedia to be a reference of context is fine, it is not when you expand on a subjective subject. at the least you could present the definition of romance as your opinion, but trying to present it as factual (with necessary key point or whatever) is as narcissistic as sucking your own dick. which is why you never see me actually attacking your actual opinion on the definition but rather the way you present it.

3) and in the light that you say that this manga is not comedy nor romance (or kronix, since your argument is basically an inference of his logic), all i can say is

bruh im done. ill be on my way. best wishes.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
Interesting, reviewing some of the comments it appears some people haven't seen some of my "serious" comments. Sure, you can disregard my "when they fucking?" comments but when I have a slightly serious tone in MY discussion is because "gasp" they do have some truth to it.

I understand people get caught up in the moment and easily forget things, all I ask of you is to quickly go over the first 50 chapters get a refreshing reread on what this started on.

Come back levelheaded and tell me i am wrong. If you can do that great... If not ignore this message and continue riding on the feelsgoodman wave of never-romance-forgotten-main-characters-supporting-character-has-more-romance-than-main-character-and-introducing-loli-x-girl-for-fluffy-reading that has become of this story. ?
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Just because @kronix is a troll, that doesn't give you license to break 5.1, Be Civil. People are perfectly capable of putting him on ignore and moving on with their lives. If I see it again or someone reports it, corrective action will be taken.

While I agree that kronix can be an annoying poster, he is ultimately one of the more harmless trolls. He is aware that the second I see him breaking 5.1 or going beyond his IQ draining "when they fuck" comments, he gets comment banned.

The best thing everyone can do is just mute kronix and whoever else that supports him that raises your blood pressure.
Group Leader
Sep 27, 2018
What a wholesome chapter. She finally call her onee-san.
Let's see the comment section and just how fluffy it is...


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