@Kyujyu &
Both of you are on the right track; at least, I'm thinking the same thing, so it must be True! 😆
My thought is that she really is the age she appears, is the sole surviving offspring of nobles who had something nasty happen to them, and the old man is the "Faithful Retainer Seeking To Right Wrongs And Restore Her To Her Proper Station"™ (&
@moel , she's
not a trap)
Thus, his attempting to come to her aid (and showing a certain level of smarts about it, albeit not understanding the social environment of the baddies properly to realize what would go wrong), and struggling against the Cannibal skill's inability to distinguish between friend or foe, and expressing loyalty to his current "Lord" despite the possible consequences... show him to be just the type of person they are seeking. Honest, honorable, loyal, and not too dumb despite all of that.
I have a button someplace that reads, "Lawful Good Does Too Mean Stupid"; it's leftover from back when I played pencil & paper RPGs a lot.
I tended to play Neutral Good or Chaotic Good characters, as that allowed me to evaluate whether the laws were worth following in a given situation while still seeking to do good.