fikmomo22 isn't wrong. Murata is a big fan of One. He once got so sick he ended up in hospital and seriously(!) thought he'd die. That's when he thought he would've wanted to redraw One's webcomic Onepunchman before his death. As we all can see now, he didn't die, so he immediately went to One (even nullified another contract for this), asked him for permission, and now they're both working together to create this masterpiece. So yeah, it wouldn't be far-fetched to think Murata wants to make things perfect. (And in such circumstances, I think he gives priority to the manga above the publisher)
Also, One directs the storyline through storyboards, but Murata gets the freedom to draw the flow of the battles however he wants. Only the end result of the fights are decided by One. So Murata is able to change those to his liking.