Zeke's still not dead.
Levi's definitely not dead either. If he was, Zoey wouldn't have grabbed his body like that. I also really hope he's alive. He's the only character who's making any sense these days.
The more we see of Eren, the harder it is to defend him. At first they were saying he might be mind controlled, then I thought he might just be being manipulated, but he knew about Zeke's intentions from the start. Unless he has his own plan going (which doesn't really fit his character), this heel turn just might be for real.
Honestly, Eren's never been a "good" character, his desire for revenge just coincided with what the rest of the cast wanted. He cared about his friends, but his main motivation was always killing all of the titans. And now that he's figured out his own people are the source of the titans, this kind of makes sense.
My main hope is that, if Eren isn't redeemed or revealed to have had good intentions, Armin and Mikasa are the ones to take him down. They're both psychologically dependent on him, and his betrayal clearly hurt them both badly. With one of the main themes of the story being breaking through what holds you down, Armin, and especially Mikasa, defeating Eren would be fitting progression for both of their characters.