Funny enough but i think Nino is too aggressive for her own good. I mean yes she have guts unlike Miku but isn't that too much. Remember that Fuu-kun doesn't give her an answer to her feelings at all and i don't think force your way like that can make any good. Still pissed that Miku doesn't have the courage to stand up, i mean come on it's been since beginning she is shy, it's frustrating she doesn't do anything for Fuu-kun at this point, i barely see any progress since beginning. Ichika for me is worst one and i have a bad vibe about her, i feel she's capable of harming physically one of her sisters just for the sake of having Fuu-kun just for her. As for the 2 others Yostuba is under all radars and to me feel like the most credible bride at this point, she always want to put the others before her even if it mean she will be alone and for Istuki, well i'm not very fond of her winning cause of 1st Girl Trop that i hate but it's not very clear for the moment how she feel about Fuu-kun so meh.