5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 11 Ch. 93 - Tsun-dere-tsun

Feb 2, 2019

Her smile makes my day
Mar 7, 2019
*Mike Breen Voice* “Nino looking to inbound, puts up the 3.... BANG!!!” “Nino Gang up by three with 0.5 seconds remaining on the clock!”
May 23, 2018
@Palermo - Nothing to suggest that, yet, especially with the second season of the anime coming after the new year. It's true, though, that with things going on in Fuutarou's head regarding romance and the quintuplets, that the endgame is encroaching, but it's impossible to tell how far away that is.
Feb 13, 2019
Ichika : " I guess I should let everyone know. Starting the second semester, I'll no longer be going to school.
So I'll be quiting school. "

Everyone : WHY!??

Ichika : " It's Because... "

She held her face down, quivering , not sure if she had to tell the reason to them.

Miku : " Are you okay, Ichika? Your face look so pale." Miku worried.

Still facing down, Ichika is murmuring some inaudible words.

Nino : " What did you say, Ichika? If you have something to say then come clean with it, would you."

Itsuki : " Come on, Nino! You don't have to pressure her like that! She must be have her own reason. So let her say it in her own pace."

Nino clicked her tongue, averting her eyes.

Nino : " You're still acting like our mother even in front of her grave. Don't you have a shame?"

Itsuki : " HUH!?"

Yotsuba got between them.

Yotsuba : "Please calm down you two. STAY COOL STAY COOL".

Yotsuba said some English words to them to make them calm and pacify the atmosphere. Itsuki made grumpy face while still looking at Nino.

Itsuki : " mumumumumu."

Nino feels uneasy from Itsuki's gaze, She gave in, then she looked back about what she said to Itsuki.

Nino : " Sorry, I went overboard."
Itsuki : " If you're understand then that's okay."
Yotsuba : "hehehe..."

After looked at her sisters' bickering, even though she hesitated before, Ichika made her resolve. The thing that she'd about to say is something that she eventually has to say to her sisters. It's about her live, her future, her hope and one of her own dreams.

Ichika : " Everyone please listen to me. The reason about I'll quiting school is..."

She looks straight at her sisters. Fumbling her next words.

She feels nervous, cold sweats are running all over her body. Even though she had already made resolve, but still It's something that hard to say. She kept it secret for a while now, but She can't hide about it any longer. Her vision get blurred, she felt light headed, It seems like she could faint at any moment. She touches her belly that has uneasy feeling about it, the feeling like constipation because of nervousness.

Ichika : " To tell the truth, I... I...."
Her face feels burning, It seems She's blushing


I'm dumb, so school is no... No... no Good... Teehee...

I'll be your mother, if you don't understand simply put because I'm already in marriage-able age and you guys need a mother, so soon enough I'll marry Father. So I'll be rich without have to work.

I'm pregnant with fuutaro-kun's baby. So It's my win, guys.

Not I, but we... We aren't our mother's real children. Gramps confessed about it to me. At first I didn't believe it, but after I did DNA test with Father's help, It's true after all.

Try again

You can write whatever you want here.

Jun 8, 2019
@tsukineko D makes a solid point, but is very unlikely. dunno about the rest though. but it's possible that she's doing it for the sake of the other quints
Feb 4, 2018
I will certainly agree that they are signs, thus open to interpretations. But you could say that what bothers me with the claims made is how far they are taken in favour of one's boat. I'm aware not everyone is coming in to read a story to analyze it as objectively as possible, nor do I believe my words of attempted objectivity will persuade anyone away from their waifu. But again, it's bothered me when someone thinks one way, presumably disregarding or misinterpreting details to make bold claims that is positive for whoever they cheer for.

I will agree, I had taken your statement of "Fuutarou is attracted to Nino" in the same vein of "Fuutarou is in love with Nino," mostly out of how I've seen people put those two statements as one and the same. I also took it far because of a latter statement of "he prefers Nino liking him while blushing in the process," which felt like a round-about way of saying that he's romantically interested. For overblowing things on my end, I do apologize.

Now to answer your counter-statements:

-False, Fuutarou knows Ichika is also in love with him.
Not false, since I stated "at least two" for the very case of including Ichika. However, I won't deny, at the time of my reply, I had not re-read the chapters, and my recollection of chapters 84-86 were hazy (but even when looking back, I won't deny that I have a few doubts if he truly recognizes Ichika's feelings).

-False, fact is Fuutarou is reading the guide just before meeting Nino. Behaviour has more impact over words and as you can see, he still ends up using the guide towards her interactions with Nino in the chapter.
The very reason why I said he is taking the best approach, which is from a book. Saying it's false with a previous statement is only going to make this part of the argument go in an endless circle. Let's simply say, he doesn't know what to do, tries to use the guide even before reading, and uses what techniques there are in them "to understand the feelings of someone who is in love with him."

-This is based solely from you own interpretation and is it not shown in the manga that Fuutarou is using the guide book like “formulas from a textbook”. Recall from the previous chapter that he says “I want to read some more on [the romance guide book] to find out my own feelings.” This is the reason why he has the guidebook.
I do understand that it may be my interpretation, but so could yours too. Your statement doesn't pose any more reasonable than mine, imo. Just like the statement above, I'll take even, and believe it could be one or the other. I don't doubt it, just don't believe it's the sole reading of him using "lessons" from the guide.

-You can’t simply assume that everyone will react a certain way. The way you or I would react holds no value compared to how the character in the receiving end of the that dialogue would respond. That is up to the author.
Certainly, it's up to the author... but even then, we can hypothesize based on what can be "natural reactions." I don't think you should shut down a point of argument with "it's up to the author" as it can be taken as a statement of escape from talking opinions. I stated my example of "what if" because reasonably, we readers take from our own experience (not just about ourselves, but also about other people in our lives) on understanding characters. And while we may react differently, I was taking into consideration what I (or we) understood of Fuutaro and did assume that he'd be in line with people who'd be shocked if someone suddenly acted cold, especially if they had expressed their love; as mentioned, Fuutaro is trying to learn "what it is to be romantic" and whatnot since he had almost 0 interest in it prior, and now that he's trying to deal with it, Nino throws a hardball by acting all stern (And almost hateful) suddenly. He uses what he read in the guide book instead of asking her because he possibly trusts the material "from experienced people" than make moves on his own; if he's blunt and all, he would have bluntly asked Nino why the harsh act. But he doesn't, since he trying to read what she's even trying to do.

-Once again, this is just an assumption and holds no value since it is not shown in manga(dialogue or drawing). You can’t assume that the way you will react to an event in a work fiction will be how a character in the work of fiction will respond. “It's a nice notion that he at least sees Nino approachable enough”, where did it show in the chapter that Fuutarou “sees Nino approachable enough” as if she’s a last resort?
I won't deny how much it bothers me when you say "it holds no value" (even though I too said statements akin to it, aka "it's null). But readers should assume, just as you did. So if you say my statements are of no value, so are yours; I am not assuming everything will be based on how I react, because I too know, Fuutaro is not me. But I hold value in your opinions as a fellow reader, and would rather discuss than mindlessly believing "my opinions won't matter, it's up to Negi-sensei" because I am not here to convince Negi-sensei on how he should write his materials. I will say, I am confidant to an extent in my ability to read the lines (although with admitted human errors due to my own preferences); back early on, so many people dismissed Yotsuba for being unrelated, but I was in party Yotsuba because "I assumed" that there was more to her. If I am making heartless statements out of nowhere, please do tell me, but in the least, I don't believe that I am being unreasonable with my statements.

-Another assumption here. Your claim that, “he's seeing Nino's love for him out of analysis, nothing personal yet” got any evidence of it? And an evidence is not an interpretation or assumtion, it is a dialogue or drawing. When did Negi show in the manga that Fuutarou is "traumatized" by Nino's past actions.
Read above. I don't need to repeat my statement against your answers of "another assumption" as it isn't posing an opinion, but a shut-down of a rebuttal.

-I don’t why you come to the conclusion that I have a binary mindset when I’m commenting about signs-which by the way is the complete opposite of binary since signs are clues and can be interpreted in a number different ways.
As you may have noticed, I did mistakenly read your prior statement as "Fuutarou loves Nino," not as your intended "Fuutarou is attracted to Nino." So I do hold to my mistake of claiming that your thought tracks were binary. I will confess, there have been other more unreasonable people who do think in such a binary way, disregarding my statements for being "malicious," and sadly, they've mostly been Nino/Ichika fans.
Although let's not forget, a lot of eager shippers will take a "sign" as fact, because they can be unreasonable like that. Because you did not outright state it to be an open-ended clue, I will admit to not holding good faith, believing you were being binary for that reason too.
Otherwise, I apologize for my assumption.

-False, Fuutarou has been receiving affection from the Quints for a very long time since the very early chapters and plenty of it. Remember Miku affectionately saying that Fuutarou “needs to take responsibility” from chapter 3? and then cooking for him the next chapter? It should be harder for him to blush since he’s been receiving all kinds of affection from the Quints. The fact that he blushes is a big deal.
Yes, he's been receiving such affection, but has he been taking it whole-heartedly in a romantic sense? I would assume that it didn't mean as much in ch3 as it may have later on. This is a difference of "receiving affection" to "the Quints being affectionate"; Fuutaro receiving the affection is different from what the Quints have offered to him (or else we'd have to say, he's been receiving it since chapter 1 from Yotsuba, for example). Truly, he was flustered back in chapter 3, but I see it that he didn't start seeing the Quints affection as affection until later chapters.
But I will agree that I may have gone too far, saying he may not be used to it, especially with the 80 or so chapters of being with the Quints, and the 20, if not more, chapters of him realizing the affections of those such as Miku and Nino. For that I apologize.

I'm glad you are apologizing in the end, but it doesn't sound as genuine when you still went on to say "it's all false" or "all assumption" because as said above, that statement is nothing more than a means to stop all arguments or discussion. I know you do not mean to earnestly say "You are wrong" to me, but it does not change that you are shutting down the discussion by saying them. If you do not have anything better to say, or do not have a comprehensive statement to counter my arguments, then I would have appreciated it better if you simply stayed to the topmost statement of "It's all up to interpretation." Using "false" or "up to interpretation" as points of argument aren't at all satisfying, nor are they firm. If we drew 100% from the source material... then no one should be making guesses as I had. As you had. No one should be taking this anymore than a typical romcom that could go south "because the author willed it." As someone else said in an earlier chapter's comment section, the fun of the discussion is to debate what is the "what if," even if someone like myself is trying to amount an "objective argument."

If your next answer to my statement isn't an attempt to forward a discussion, I will leave you be. As mentioned, you have your opinions of Fuutaro having an attraction to Nino, which may be undeniable, but I too have my reserved thoughts of what had occurred in this chapter. Have a good day.
Feb 4, 2018
Mostly, Nino did it before she come to like Fuutarou. She just try to protect her family and the victim is only Fuutarou. Ichika did it even though she know the victim is her own family. So, well I think it's clearly different.

But the others were a victim at one point: during the Seven Goodbyes. Because of her stubborness, there was a fight among the sisters (mostly with Itsuki and Miku, but still). Even if things were made up later... I'm not behind sweeping all that had happened under the rug, in the same case as Ichika. Yes, Ichika's was more recent, as someone had pointed out, but as you state, she involved the other Quints so even with time, it should stand out.

I will admit, I don't buy the "protect her family" argument because while that was her intention, it does not ever justify her methods. Just because she comes to like Fuutaro, one should not dismiss how she acted before. If she has improved, great, thank you, that's fantastic to hear. But what she had done was even more heinous than what I feel people chalk it up to being, since spiking someone's drink is illegal, and is laws in Japan are stricter compared to other countries. We've seen drugging played for laughs (and those are still treading the line), but Nino's two attempts weren't as such. If she really believed in protecting the family, she should have been more thoughtful and recognize that if her sisters were fine with Fuutaro, she should have been to. Her rejecting him early on was not at all selfless; she was being selfish (which we know is one of her traits), hiding under the fallacy that she was doing it for the other Quints.

Someone may say "she's young, so she didn't know any better," but in a way, that's setting things aside to maturity. But she did all those things early on in the series with intention, recognizes that she had done them (as shown in this chapter), but brushes them off "that she didn't do any harm." It's apparent that she hasn't reflected as much on her actions.
Active member
May 5, 2019
I think the next chapters are going to be about Fuutaro trying to understand why both Nino and Miku like him, and try to resolve his own feelings. I m pretty sure is going to be one of them, either Miku or Nino, and maybe next chapters are going to show some sort of similar dynamic with Miku, Fuutaro reading the dateing book and so on.
Apr 20, 2018

Well, I honestly wasn’t expecting a response from you.

I saw your response to my first comment about signs of Fuutarou being romatically attracted to Nino and thought that you were being way too defensive and a bit personal about my claims.

You are totally right when you say I had every intention to shut down your counter arguments to mine by systematically using your own claims against what Negi wrote/drew and discredit your interpretation/assumptions since they are not backed by the manga and will not affect how Negi will write the rest of it.

As a final counter response, “using ‘false’ or ‘up to interpretation’ as points of argument aren't at all satisfying, nor are they firm” might not be “satisfying” as you say, but they are “firm” especially when a claim is backed up by no other than the author himself. Also, our interpretations and assumptions are nothing more than just “stream of consciousness” when they are not supported by credible sources that will put weight on the claims and thus help persuade others who have vastly different ideas. It’s like have an alternative for our dependency on fossil fuels, but that alternative can’t be recreated using the scientific method-thus, the alternative holds no value and is worthless.

Just to clarify, like I said in the comment section from three or four chapters ago, I don’t really care who Fuutarou ends up with as long as the Quint who he’s ending up with will make the best out of the narrative and is compelling read. You might have gotten the false impression from my first comment that I want Nino to end up with Fuutarou, well, two chapters ago in the comment section, I did say “Nino and Miku are so desperate and needy of Fuutarou it’s off putting”.

Then again, I think both us can agree that we’re invested in this manga 😁.

I mean, as @ al_pacino says,

“ohmegod!!! a thesis in my ROMANCE MANGA COMMENT SECTION!? And there's more than one!?”

You and I will probably be the only ones reading these “thesis” comments of ours 🙄. But for what it’s worth, it was stimulating to have responded to your counter arguments.😎

Feb 4, 2018
Admittedly, I didn't look at the comment section every time a chapter was released, but I agree with you, we are invested.

I still believe "up to interpretation" is not a firm answer in the sense that in other situations, people have used it to escape conflict or avoid responsibility. Neither of us can advocate for the author, certainly, but then, as I said before, that would if one of us brought up that reason, there wouldn't be a point in arguing. Engaging in arguments and discussions are part of "Stream of consciousness" and it's a good exercise in potential outcome. However, I don't think it's akin to fossil fuel dependency since that's an entirely different issue (the world's economy and those who uses it are just in their own way too rotten to want to use natural resources, and/or are taking too much time to switch over). But otherwise, it may be pointless now to argue to this, as it may go in loops.

I too found it intriguing enough to respond to your statements, even among some of the frustration they may have caused. But this is a comment section, not a chat board, so if considering that, our banter was truly positive compared to what could usually happen.
I'll keep in mind of your position with all the Quints so that I don't wrongly mistake your comments from here on as any favouritism to one side.
Active member
Jan 30, 2018
When she callled him Uesugi I thought that it was one of the other sister.s I have trust issue with these girls.
Double-page supporter
Apr 30, 2019
I agree with @RetahSretah
The actions Nino took were to keep her family safe and in line with her character which was prizing her sisters and being an aggressive tsundere, and it was only sleep medicine. I don't think the drugging was a good thing and take it a bit neutrally overall. It is minor to Ichika who tried to take down her sisters over a long period of time and that was her defining character ark. Overall it is based on your morals but I find being knocked out with sleep medicine to tell him to stay away versus taking down the sisters you love are way different. I had forgotten the drugging till it was brought up again but Ichika being a snake is firmly in my mind when I see her.


Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019
Getting me back hooked on this Nino crack after Yotsuba snatched my heart with her chapters...

Deep down, I know I am truly NinoGang, though.

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