5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 13 Ch. 113 - The Last Festival - Fuutarou's Side

Jan 8, 2019

Not revealing the bride would be the worst. Thats like a mystery movie not revealing the killer, but only ends with the killer is the friends we made along the way.

The whole premise of the manga from chapter one is one of these 5 girls is my bride. Guess who.

The connection between girls is pretty well defined in the story, and if you think about which ending will cover the most story and tell the define more connection between the girls is Yotsuba

- Ichika already have a future actress carreer, Her relationship with the girl is well defined, She already have controversies before, becoming the bride would be a controversy choice among the fans, and the story would just end with the girls accepting her.

- Nino, doesnt have a future established yet, which is interesting to see in the future chapter, Although her talent is pretty aligned with her mentioned dream (french pastry chef). She becoming the bride would just end with the girls accepting her. The end.

- Miku has her future established for her, She wants to go to culinary school, I like her, but her ending would be boring, She would probably just become the bride, Maybe culinary school entrance exam shenanigans, and everyone accepting her, The end.

- Itsuki is becoming a teacher, She is the first girl, but since Negi hates the first girl winning, She made the first girl a friend. Honestly first girl are a bit vague in this manga, and I think it is done on purpose, She is a friend, have some blushing moment, but probably due to awkwardness, especially from hating each other so much in the beginning, but it becomes acceptance in the end. If she become the bride, it just wouldnt make any sense, due to zero romantic development.

-Yotsuba is vague on her future, all she wants is for her sister to be happy, which, if she is chosen, would be the opposite of it. This choice cause more drama, and more interaction between the quints, we know already on Itsuki and Ichika supporting Yotsuba, but we still dont know Miku and Nino reaction to her being the lolikano. She will have to choose hard, and like Itsuki said it is just the beginning. So pretty much the interesting choice.

Harem end is for protagonist who you cant even remember the name, who is just there to be a shell for the reader to self insert in (I am looking at you Amagami). A nice protagonist is well defined, have what they want to the end, or at least take responsibility of their choice.

Besides, Fuutarou is poor, even in the wedding his family is still shown to be poor, their wedding is extravagant, but its probably the quints father last gift or something, Do you think Fuutarou would take them all in?
Jan 19, 2018
Am I the only one still waiting for Negi to somehow twist this? Not that I dislike Yotsuba or anything (she was my 2nd choice after Nino), but Negi has been known to troll quite a bit in the series. If this is legit, yaaay Yotsuba! If not, then let's see how much longer this gets dragged out.
Apr 20, 2018
You guys are jumping into conclusions way too quickly when events in the chapter are still AMBIGUOUS.
May 27, 2019
@ubernawt you can be right about something, but for a lot more you can't. Yotsuba is a easy good choice, everyone is "happy" with her, but she isn't the right one for what we read until now. I only hope for a good explanation from Futaro. Why Yotsuba, what led him to choose her?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
So, what's in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction? You can have a central mystery without giving answers. Lovecraft taught us that. There's ways to telling compelling stories even by breaking almost every convention of writing, if you know what you're doing and you're damn good at your job.

My issue here is that you haven't really addressed my argument as much as you've simply pointed out character development. My argument was that having an ambiguous ending would be more thematically relevant because the wedding SHOULDN'T matter. The story is NOT about the wedding. It's a tease, a foreshadowing but really thematically, the story is about the strength and unity of family, and that it DOESN'T matter who Fuu chooses. They're the "five-part" bride, it's all or nothing and the story HEAVILY focuses on the sisters, their bond with one another and Fuu and how he brings their entire family closer together.

The audience knowing who the bride is just is less interesting and doesn't add value to the story. It actively takes away from it. The thematic, narrative, and personal connections seem to all just vanish the instant we have a definitive answer because it makes the story and narrative weaker overall.

Also, the arguments you use is a tad flimsy in my opinion. A psychological thriller not revealing who the killer is would be AMAZING because horror stems from what we DON'T know. That's why the best uses of horror are vague about the monster, their abilities, and have an aspect to them that is supernatural or framed in such a way that they are powerful and know things the audience and characters DON'T. Lovecraft would like to have a word with you about forbidden knowledge, the horror of the incomprehensible and the unfathomable, my dude.

Finally, the point you make in regards to each of the characters establishing their futures COULD be interesting, but I feel like it's lacking a bit. The fact people have plans for what will happen to them and developed those aspects of their character through their interactions with Fuu is compelling and part of what makes the story interesting, but it's correlative and doesn't necessarily indicate that Fuu would pick one of them who doesn't know what they would do in the future. It's a bit of stretch and I don't think it fits the character of the story very well or works thematically. Additionally, wealth doesn't matter. That's a reoccurring theme as soon as the twins move into an apartment that's cheap and live on their own. They don't care about the cost as long as they have each other. I feel like having a clear answer only spits on that. Additionally, it's not like a harem ending CAN'T be interesting. Foreshadowing, clever writing, and good characterization all would be done, but you can definitely have a character who would just settle things by just choosing everyone if it works within the realms of the characters. @ubernawt
Aggregator gang
Jan 26, 2018
"My favorite girl didn't win, so this manga is shit."

Congratulations to Yotsuba, the actual first girl/childhood friend.

...if this is actually the reveal.
Mar 18, 2019
If this chapter is anything to go off of, my second least favorite girl is the one that is being chosen. and I think I will be dropping it after the next chapter because of that.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018

(i mean i get why but still)

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
For an example of a harem protagonist being potentially done interesting (just as a random thought):

Imagine a Vampire harem protagonist. Vampires naturally will make more brides, this is even in the first version of Dracula as a thematic horror of sexuality.

Say this Vampire has lived for a VERY long time. He's known many women and had to turn them into vampires just to sustain himself and so naturally has one too many "brides" so to speak. Because of this, he feels like his life is shallow and empty, as he is merely sustaining himself and fulfilling his desires but has no deeper connection with these women because he's basically turned them into puppets and tools. He's incredibly lonely that all these girls have fallen for him for incredibly shallow reasons and he seeks genuine companionship. That could be interesting character development for a really good harem story, where say he finds someone he loves, but all his female vampires have their own motives for wanting him, are prone to in-fighting and counter plays, and we a few potential compelling storylines.

If there's one thing I've seen from writing, it's that no matter how hackenyed the trope or how overplayed you think it is, rules can be inverted, things considered "bad" can be done well, and limits can simply be removed or worked around. Creativity knows no bounds, it's all in how you tell your tale. @ubernawt
Dex-chan lover
Oct 31, 2018
All of the people saying "The one girl without development." are idiots, because we literally just had not many chapters ago backstory dedicated entirely to Yotsuba. I didn't care for her either before then. She was fun, sure, but there was so little focus on her that no attachment formed. But once we got the reveal of her whole character, every little moment we experienced with her clicked and it made us feel. She's been developed through the story the entire time and anyone who says otherwise is blind, stupid, and objectively wrong.
Jan 8, 2019

But that doesnt count in this realistic? setting.

Harem end is nice in certain context, but not in this manga premise. Where it is noted from chapter 1, there can be only one bride.
Jan 8, 2019

The Pulp fiction is a movie where you invest like 2 or more hours, Getting teased for that amount of time is fine, and enjoyable.

But imagine getting teased for like a year and more, waiting for each chapter for a week to have just one clue to whos next, and in the end it doesnt even matter.

Theres not a mention of five part bride anywhere in the story, there are like one short mention that they have more dress than one in the wedding, but it seemed to be a spur of the moment thing.

Also, if your point on harem ending are true, what are even the point of the more than one dress thing.

Yotsuba’s best character development are all in the foreshadow, It makes re reading it more fun.

Thats even why Negi remake some scenes from the earlier chapters.

Also you saying the narrative would get weaker from definite answer is contradictary with what you say before.

You wanna see the girls interact right? Yotsuba has a lot more thing going for her in terms of interaction with other quints as described in my long paragraph.

If you want a never ending story, with no definite ending I guess, fine by me.

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