5Toubun no Hanayome

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Zeros you should read it before jumping to conclusions, the theme and tone of both mangas are completely different. It's like saying little witch academia and harry potter are the same because they both involve magic schools(see how silly that sounds?). The comedy in 5Toubon is a lot of ironic comedy, and theres the dynamic of the quintuplets, who all have different personalities, but in the latest chapters , have been featured to mimic one another to get past situations that one of them can't deal with. BokuBen is a lot more straight forward with it's comedy, mostly ecchi and misunderstandings.

TL:DR , BokuBen is a romcom, 5Toubon is highschool drama (also 5 Toubon is getting an anime soon)
Feb 8, 2018
I'm technically just curious if this is good so I'll read it this month.
But since some people said it's gonna end I will wait until it's finished.
And I said in the last part (ripoff) was because both authors was retweeting each other early this year.
Mar 7, 2018
>But since some people said it's gonna end I will wait until it's finished
The fact that you actually believe the bullshit idiots spew here it's funny.

>If two authors retweet each other than one it's a ripoff from the other
What kind of retarded logic is this? Christ, you're dumb.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Zeros again , I think you tend to jump to conclusions too much. Maybe the 2 authors are friends, bouncing ideas off one another, maybe they are chatting cuz they are acquaintances. Unless you understand japanese and know exactly what they were tweeting to eachother , then theres no proof that they are "fighting". Just because they got in contact with one another doesnt mean it was adversarial.
Also, its not ending any time soon, just read it.

EDIT; using google translate, I found 1 retweet, just one. About bokuben's author announcing some good news.
Jan 27, 2018
I hope it ends in Harem, that would be very nice and I bet fans would actually rejoice for once. Sure it might related in "reality" but shit at the end of the day I dont think irl you would find hella five thicc sisters.

DO IT, HAREM ENDING OR NOTHING. Big boi Fuu getting like 5 daughters or sons or mix.
Feb 8, 2018
STFU freak I'm not asking you.

Who said anything about "fighting" each other? You are the one who's jumping into conclusions. (And it's a retweet not a reply)
What I had in mind is that they are supporting each other, since before both of them getting anime adaption for their work. (2 weeks apart)
I'm just very curious why their manga had the same element (narrative) and got their work published in the same year (2 weeks apart, again)
Jan 22, 2018
so they going to show each "side"? oh boi I do really hope it will end in harem ending otherwise I may really hate this manga
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Zeros your first post called 5Toubon a rip off, which is why i assumed you meant the 2 authors were rivals because of this. If this wasn't what you meant , then you should word your post more clearer. Clearly i think we made it all obvious that this manga and BokuBen are VERY different despite having the same themes. Don't take our word for it, just read and see how different it really is. They really are not the same narrative, like i said before, one is a slapstick comedy, the other is a drama that has very ironic comedy.
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
Soooo. Are we not going to see any updates anymore since GoToubun has been licensed?
Feb 9, 2018
I gotta agree with @Ciel88.
BokuBen also has the every-type preference in your dream harem, but Go-Toubun removes that to focus on personality. Each girl should be identical as quintuplets but aren't, they are very different and they are affected by the same things differently and sometimes not (case in point, Yotsuba was thinking of a literal gift while the others wanted to kiss him).
Plus, Go-Toubun isn't slowly adding new girls in every few arcs, not that I'm mad with BokuBen for doing it (I'm a Mafuyu Sensei fan)., but Go-Toubun is instead focusing its attention and development into the core characters you first met with additions to the cast as rare and platonic.
Mar 7, 2018
What separates this from other harem is the very premise of this story. They are all sisters.
We already know one of the quints is the winner so there's no point in adding more girls. They can interact with eachother without it being forced, meaning the MC is not needed in every single panel to make the story move forward. Also, Fuutarou said in the beginning that love was pointless, therefore the story is not about who likes him the most, but rather who can break down Fuutarou's walls and make him fall in love. Fuutarou clearly has a vision of them and they have to change that in some way, like Miku as she's trying to show him she's smart. And while Fuutarou is a great part of the story, it has been shown already that he's not needed to fix every single problem.

TL;DR anyone who calls 5toubun generic is mentally challenged.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Agree. Also it has a good balance of all the elements of the story including fanservice. You can like it more or less but it's undeniable that until now this manga is well done.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
What? A good shounen romance manga? Not having a worthless male lead really helps. He's not 180IQ guy, but he's got the right combo of smarts and effort to get 100s. He has his blind spots, but isn't completely dense. The girls have a nice mix of personalities. And ecchi cliches can be counted on one hand. A solid manga.
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
Still waiting for the translation of GoToubun Ch. 56. Is it delayed or is it dropped (since it's already licensed)?
Jan 18, 2018
@b-no They've already released 4 volumes of the licensed version. It's a bit late in the game to be worrying about its licensed status, don't you think?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
@AMetroid : I just began to read it. It's a good manga, but ffs why did the author put the fucking "I know one of the girls is my childhood friend" cliché ?

Makes me want to drop it... Can you tell me if it will be an important plot later in the manga ? Or that at least it's handed well ? (Like the matter isn't artificially stretched ?)
If yes I think I'll just drop the manga...
I hate this cliché the most. It's forcing a situation in an already forced situation... It's cheap, useless for the story, it often only serve to makes the story longer than necessary and worst of all it transform the goal of the manga from "find the best girl for you" to "find the girl whom you made a promise 20 years before" disregarding personality and character's progression (because of course often there is promise to be together in this trope)

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