but.. why are not firearms not commonly used... these people still wear plate armor and use swords... a revolving shotgun like the one here would shred them apart...
sure i get magic is powerful but a rifle can kill a guy half a mile away befor he blinks...
a chant takes what like 5 seconds..
a dude with a pump gun can unload 6 rounds in under 3 seconds with decent accuracy
a dude with a bolt action can fire 5 rounds in under 5 seconds with great accuracy
a dude with a revolver can unload 6 rounds in under 2 seconds
now lets say a group of mages use a really powerful explosive spell with the power of a artillery shell il be generous and say they can do so in under 20 seconds
an artillery crew can also do it in 20 seconds but the artillery crew can do it at over 15 miles away