The reason for the snipe wasn’t because the releases for Chosen by the Ring specifically were slow. It was because, as a whole, releases for individual series were slow due to a finite number of staff members. I’d be perfectly fine with one release a month if you were:
1. Caught up to the raws
2. Only working on one or two series
It’s because you don’t have enough staff members yet insist on picking up more projects that I take issue with how Endless Journey operates. If you cannot release quickly with the projects and staff you have, then you drop some projects. You don’t add more to your plate. That’s just counter intuitive. Earlier the point was made that less projects didn’t mean more releases. That may be so, but adding even more to your workload would definitely decrease your releases.
I’m sure that there are a bunch of scan groups out there that want to work on the projects you’ve claimed and would release far faster, but because you insist on constantly picking up more projects, those groups don’t get the chance. Taking more and more projects makes your staff members more stressed, prevents other, more well-equipped groups from working on them, and gives readers less releases. It’s not beneficial for anyone.
Please either get enough staff to keep up with your projects or drop some.
Btw if you have a life and are super busy outside of scans, just don’t pick up more projects. Easy as that