Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@spartan_cam_4 (please note this is intended to be a neutral comment). I think the hoarding people are referring to is about the fact that EJ has released first chapters of about 23 projects, with hardly any continuing chapters until just the past couple of days since their inception. So it's not just about this series, but the group projects as a whole. I've heard a lot of people among various discords ask why EJ keeps picking up new projects without continuing any of their old ones. My guess is they need a bigger staff to handle this many.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@kilisloe Yea, like the James Charles and Deeji dramas? I guess I understand, but it's still hard to pick a side. Be like pewds and try to see the bigger picture I guess...I'm just standing on the middle ground though so I can't say anything. Anyway, I'm just saying to not immediately start throwing shade at one side since they've not really done anything to harm US. They even provided us with a chapter, so it's best to just take a side subtly instead of joining in on the drama.
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
Okay I’m not interested in participating in any drama because it’s pointless waste of energy, but (although it was rude, malicious & unnecessary to say that they’re teaching EJ a lesson) I understand the point. It is irritating for other translation groups (who have no/barely any projects & therefore tons of time) to see so many mangas claimed by groups & then never updated. I, myself, have wondered why they keep picking up projects without updating the rest (when the raws are available & they’re not simply waiting for release). I’m grateful for EJ’s releases, but I think a better course of action would be to focus on the projects already picked up, and not keep adding more to the pile. Please don’t be offended, since I’ve no intention of being rude.
Oct 29, 2018
Don't want to get into the drama but if another team can get it out faster then let them I say, I've seen so many projects go 3+ months without chapters and no one wants to pick them up because they want to avoid hatemail from the scantalator group or their fans. Putting out chapters shouldn't be about the group (unless you're one of the groups trying to make money off it in which case keep in mind that's illegal and you could get in some pretty good trouble) it should be about the readers and wanting to share something great that you loved with them. If someone releases some chapters it shouldn't be a reaction of "Reeeeee I hate you! You sniped my series get your own" it should be "Nice, there are some more chapters for the readers I can start working on the next one or another series I'm working on". The community should come together and be friends/help each other/think about how this is for the readers not for their groups reputation. All I'm saying is if a group can get something out faster (without it being horrible resolution and machine translated) that should be a cause for joy because too many groups are acting like they own a manga or hoarding them and not releasing any chapters and that's bad not only for the readers but also the other people that want to get involved in putting up some chapters. Scantalators should look at another group hopping in and say "Hey could you help us pump out chapters qucker on this/send us a translator or etc to help on x series/take this series so we can focus on another" instead of drama because guess what? That's how you make a good community that helps each other and is friendly with each other.
Jan 16, 2019

As much as I would love to see faster releases, your behavior towards EJ was very rude and unnecessary. You could have talked with the leader of EJ on discord and offered to assist them in translating the series. The way you have gone about things just comes off as really petty and immature.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019

Yet you don't see Harmone go doing those 3+ months series. I would have ZERO problems if we're actually taking that long on the series. But man, this is just about a month. How fast do you want us to update? Every 20, 15, 10 or 5 days?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@blackbunii With all the issues people have with these web chapters that are released in parts, I don't think you're going to win any fans explaining that you broke a full chapter in half.

Also, I think the reason people are complaining is not due to the speed of your team's releases, but that releases for particular mangas could come more often if you had less on your plate. It's one thing to pick up more series when all of your series are caught up with the latest release, but it's completely different when you could be using that time you are working on the new series you picked up to catch up on the ones you already reserved.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019
@GodGinrai Groups break chapters all the time lol. Even if we keep it full length, people will still complain since they just want releases, right? You do know that each manga has different chapter lengths. There is a difference if a chapter is 50 pages long and 15, 30 pages long. But ofc people don't care about that since they just want faster releases. We've been keeping it around the same time period like most other groups out there. Yet somehow people still have problems. I'd like to know if they also pick a fight with other groups with the same speed as us.

Also, there is no guarantee that fewer projects = faster updates. Haven't you looked around?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@blackbunii But the converse (more projects, slower updates) is true, when both are considered with the same finite resources.

Also, I have no idea what you are talking about people "just wanting releases". They want more to read, not more releases. If you break up a chapter, you are reducing the amount they have to read until that other chapter part comes out. It's one thing to do that when the raws are coming out broken up, but it's another to do it yourselves instead. And even when the raws come out broken up, you'll see plenty of people complaining in the comments sections about how there are so few pages and how things just end abruptly which is a direct result of the chapters being broken up.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019
@GodGinrai People are complaining about the slow updates here, they don't care about the length of the chapters. You do know the raws of this series are broken into 3-4 parts for each chapter, right? But we took the initiative to put them all together to make a full chap. Tell me which one do you prefer, 8-10 pages every week (cos that's what Japan sites do) or 30 pages every month?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@blackbunii I personally prefer the entire chapter when it is ready. But I think you are missing my point. You said that you "broke up a chapter", not that the raws were already broken up. Besides, the reason people are complaining about "slow updates" aren't because you aren't releasing the chapter parts. Are you caught up on all of your series? (to a chapter level, not a chapter part level) This series has at least 5 full chapters in the raws. If some of your other series are like this as well, then that means you could have been working on that backlog instead of picking up more series. This is what people are taking issue with.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019
@GodGinrai Your words seem nice and logical but I wonder how much do you know? We have different people for different series and not everyone works on the same speed. While we do try to release often, we can't avoid things called life. We all have a life outside of this and we do NOT get paid. Man, I'd love to see they bring the same shit to other teams with the same amount of series and speed as us. Yet, you don't see them do that. We're not the only team doing isekai shoujo. If this girl, Harmone, was to talk to us to discuss this problem, everything would have been fine. But no, she wants to publicly shame us instead. This is borderline bullying and disrespect while I don't even know who she is nor ever interact with her. Also, last time I checked, 1~2 month is normal speed for a release. Since when a month becomes too slow!?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
@blackbunii Do you have 24 translators? Because that's the amount of series I'm seeing. And given that your Group Profile claims that you are looking for JP->EN translators, typesetters, cleaners, and redrawers, I don't think that you have enough people to fit the amount of series you have taken upon yourselves.

1-2 month releases are normally begrudgingly accepted by people even when the scanlator is up-to-date and the raw releases are monthly. No one likes it. They just can't do anything if it is related to the actual publication of the series.

And this has been done to other groups before. I distinctly remember someone calling out Trashscanlations just fairly recently as well.

Should this person have tried to contact you about what you were doing before sniping with a credits message like that? Sure. Does that invalidate what they are claiming? Not really.
Group Leader
Mar 9, 2019
It just boggles the mind that there are certain series you've left at chapter 1 for two months (such as Fake Cinderella, Watashitachi wa Douka shiteiru and Second Life Saint) but you're still constantly picking up new series. It really does feel like this slow (and it is slow, relatively speaking) release schedule is a self-inflicted wound, since you're not dropping any of the series you leave to fester. If your resources are stretched so thin that it's taking two months to put out chapters that really aren't all that long, you should be dropping some of your series, not picking more up.

Second Life Saint is a good example actually since after leaving it alone for two months SLC formally dropped it which gave you the opportunity to pick it up drama-free. Could take some pointers from them.
Mar 4, 2019
The reason for the snipe wasn’t because the releases for Chosen by the Ring specifically were slow. It was because, as a whole, releases for individual series were slow due to a finite number of staff members. I’d be perfectly fine with one release a month if you were:

1. Caught up to the raws
2. Only working on one or two series

It’s because you don’t have enough staff members yet insist on picking up more projects that I take issue with how Endless Journey operates. If you cannot release quickly with the projects and staff you have, then you drop some projects. You don’t add more to your plate. That’s just counter intuitive. Earlier the point was made that less projects didn’t mean more releases. That may be so, but adding even more to your workload would definitely decrease your releases.

I’m sure that there are a bunch of scan groups out there that want to work on the projects you’ve claimed and would release far faster, but because you insist on constantly picking up more projects, those groups don’t get the chance. Taking more and more projects makes your staff members more stressed, prevents other, more well-equipped groups from working on them, and gives readers less releases. It’s not beneficial for anyone.

Please either get enough staff to keep up with your projects or drop some.

Btw if you have a life and are super busy outside of scans, just don’t pick up more projects. Easy as that
Jul 5, 2019
@mazuran unfortunately, we still would not be able to release faster if we had more staff because the issue isn't about the number of staff members we have. Some of our staff members work slower than others and that's something that cannot be helped. Our staff members have jobs and school. They are just volunteers. The series that are backed up or "neglected" are currently being worked on, just at a slower pace than some of our other projects. Sorry for any inconvenience this has created for you and other readers. If you'd like more information about where we are with specific series, feel free to reach out to us in Discord.
Feb 26, 2019
Dang, ahahahaha *dead* so blatantly rude but staring to the point and on point af 😂 you ma’m/sir is the best 💪

Well that shade at the end though...their actions are indeed rude but well we can’t really blame them Or maybe EJ has a reason why they keep on adding projects.

Well thanks for the chapter 2-person team

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