Regarding the untranslated bubble, I think it would be fine to just translate it literally and leave a note at the bottom explaining that it's slang. Translating it as yeet is pretty funny though.
So the only thing stopping senpai is her previous relationship if she gets over it then Ishigami is the top on the line I do feel that she is already interested in him.
Iino looks so dead inside but also shows a lot of emotions in her dialoge that it is actually disturbing when you compare her to other caracters in the series. Also I still feel really bad for my boy Ishigami.
I laughed too hard at that Renamon joke. Guffawed for a solid minute. Damn based Aka.
Oot but, I loved Renamon she’s cool, strong, her maid mode Sakuyamon digivolution is top-tier and cute at times.
OMG MIKO IS IN LOVE WITH HIM YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! I knew it she fell in love Yes hope for more between these two wanna see then date and kiss!!!!! Best manga I have ever read.
Am I a bad person for wanting Onadera to jump into the IshigamiStakes? In terms of hot babe with a cool attitude, I personally think she ranks right up there with BestGirlEver Hayasaka.