Jun 7, 2018
Dependent of what occurred in the moment of false death, details are scarce on intricacies especially with the secrecy of the Kure clan involved in the revival process and the assumed cost bound to be coming from a man with a disrupted and destroyed circulatory system. Ain't also a first something of this gravity has been dealt with, with Kiryu still somehow escaping after getting his nervous system fucking rocked to high hell by Ohma using Chi Blockage.

Still have yet to see through how it benefits to the story due to this being a first in the plot. As said before best that can be done is be waiting for the next chapters to see what is fully up. Mad doubtful of Koga kicking it as an MC with the pages sunk into his development and under the assumption he isn't entirely a pin cushion, in-verse super doctors are gonna have the man set and patched by no time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Damoon I don't think it's sloppy writing if we don't know why he is back and what he's gonna do from now on, it would be lame if he was back before Koga and Gaoh had chance to evolve, but with 50 chapters of focus and evolution, I'm not mad at all, now we have one more character we care about around, and they're all badass..........well, Gaoh still needs a ton of development but yeah, so saying "fix it" is kind of wrong, nothing is broken yet, just he said "I will explain later" and we all want answers, besides, I doubt the manga will now focus on him and leave Koga in the background (but he'll probably be conveniently in bed recovering while Ohma explains the whole thing) from now on.

At least you're not smashing the keyboard insulting everyone like certain someone down there.... That's truly sad to see.
Active member
Jan 28, 2018
Sure, it's convenient, but holy hell did I not expect that twist.

We'll see if it makes sense but I very much like it.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2019

FOR THE SAKE OF Y A M A S H I T A K A Z U O OUR BOY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
>B-But Dragon Ball!
No shit people won't get upset at revivals in Dragon Ball when they've got literal wish granting devices established as plot-points and part of it's world since day fucking 1. You are comparing apples with oranges. A plot-point may be retarded in one series but completely normal and expected in another because, you know, they're completely different worlds with completely different mechanics.
And even so, even assuming "reviving" people is legit and completely normal in Kengan's world reviving Ohma would still be super stupid because it completely ruins and undermines 3/4 of Ashura's point, plotpoints and narrative. This is why people who don't like this are so upset.
May 18, 2018
Ohma coming back is the lamest plot twist that the author could had pulled. Once you get bearded, you stay bearded.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
Hoooo boy are a few of you upset and treat this as if the story was done with this chapter. How about you guys cool your freaking jets and see what Sandwich and Daro have in store for us before treating this like the end of the world. And anyone claiming that Koga is permanently sidelined just because Ohma is back is just silly. Ohma is most likely going to be a supporting role than anything, especially with Koga being possibly in need for another mentor. Don't forget that he's been the main focus for more or less all chapters so far and that blood splatter is going to turn out ot be a classic Kengan Asura HOWEVER moment.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I think it's fine. I said the last chapter that some of the 'missing' fighters were going to reappear, but I certainly didn't expect him to be one of them. Still have yet to see who is going to save Koga and the son.

Ohma is most definitely 'nerfed' and I'll be calling that now. More than likely he can no longer use Niko's techniques or can no longer use the Advance - possibly both. That practically destroys him as one of the top fighters if you take either of those away. So IF he does wind up participating he won't beat everyone willy nilly. I'm sure we're going to have a moment soon of "So what if I can't use X technique anymore? That doesn't make you any stronger".
I can't really see Ohma participating because he wouldn't care about the Tournament. I mean think about motivations here, Ohma achieved the goals he wanted at the end of the last series and 'died' satisfied. There's not really a reason for him to enter the tournament, and he doesn't have to do so in order to battle Worm if that's his new goal.
If Kaz directly asked Ohma to enter, I think he might consider. But I think he'll work as a bodyguard if anything.

I think these last few chapters have been great. Really going forward with fast storytelling and just going straight to the point. Koga has also gotten great development these last few chapters. There's no way that he's going to die OR that he's going to be removed as the main character.
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2018
When you realize that you really would like to see someone pretty dead instead that alive...
Apr 8, 2018
B b b but we have Ryuki and Kohga you can't drop them immediately for old mc return that you have killed and magically back to alive what will happen to them from now author kun?
Mar 20, 2019
Jesus f... Christ...
I always wondered what the request from Niko was that made "the beard" ask to participate on the tournament to begin with.
If this was already foreshadowed back than all this "what a lame comeback talk" is as wrong as it gets!
I, for my part, am f... hyped! There is more plot to this than I ever expected!!
Active member
Nov 3, 2018
An asspull is fine. Bringing back the truly climatic death at the end trivializes his passing though.

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