It's honest to god such a waste of showing off the heroes, just for them to get thrown against the plot-armor villain.
If this actually works and Shigaraki is out of action permanently or at the very least considerably weakened by the early end of the process, I'd be surprised. That dude has an unbelievable amount of plot-armor, more so than even the MC, I'd say.
ngl, I really don't think there has been a good enough antagonist in this manga yet. Chisaki was the best so far and Shigaraki one of the worst, imo.
EDIT: Not saying this chapter wasn't absolutely amazing in all its action and detail! It's just sad that the bigger context will probably be: Everyone worked hard to stop Shigarakis evolution, but failed. At the veryleast they will probably capture the doctor and kind of … get rid of the Nomu permanently? Maybe even that is too much to ask for ...