Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2019
The king is one sadistic bastard, it seems the prince would be a different person
Feb 4, 2018
The worst question ever.

Asking a member of a family who he/she prefer among the family.
Mar 14, 2020
This woman is the exact example of the "reincarnated heroine" who is cheerful (mannerless) , kind (clueless) and has unique perspective (inconsiderate) that somehow attracting the evil guys and turn them kind/ softer.

I'm waiting for the story to develop to the better 😔 but I can only hope.

Anyway thanks for the scans!
Apr 18, 2020
ainspanner sounds like ein spanner and it means "a peeping tom" in germany
Double-page supporter
Sep 27, 2019
Continuity error, the hand thAt was not able to let go of Ains Hand was at her face....-v -“
Still the king just said to her that she is grooming Ains to be her new husband because she saw the duke as pathetic as a man...That was a double hit insult to her and the duke ....And she just accepted it and approved it.....Poor Duke

@Kotossu their already nice, their just too serious
Sep 7, 2019
@Mewples wow i didnt see it like that at all, that s really insightful!
Thank you for translating and stay safe !
Double-page supporter
Sep 27, 2019
@Gabie well he was being rude to her it is probably at that level, I rather be wrong personally
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
@Mewples, @Siquall
Yeah, she is kind of a bitch but has not realized it yet, and is still too stupid to see the big picture and how the world works. The King may have set her up, but she walked right into it thinking she was in the right with her choices. The interesting part is that no one seems to call her bullshit out directly. A Dukes wife suddenly "forgets" all forms of etiquette, hierarchy, and how to handle social/political interactions, even though she has the title of being a "Duke's Wife", and no one says a word. Based on the King's words and actions, he may be that first person to call her out for being an idiot, and a shame to the Duke's family. Of course all though the Duke, and not directly towards her since he is likely the one best fit to handle her.

Part of me wishes she gets to see what her "protection" results in first hand. Or that the Duke takes a second wife who actually acting like a proper noble and a proper wife and kicks her out. But then another part of me also realizes that she wont even understand its her own fault since her head is so far up her own ass that she cant see or wont admit how her actions and choices have affected everyone else's lives. She thinks she is a saint who can do no wrong because she blindly pushes her own ideals onto others, who because of her power granted with her noble standings, will not question her, but follow her orders. She is also following a book, which has already been proven wrong with its contents a few times.

@JWChibi, @Siquall
While the question is a shitty question, her response is by far worse. For one, why do you even give a response to that loaded question? Also, that question is somewhat less of a shitty question as it normally is because she is clearly showing her feelings for each of them in a very obvious manner. So obvious that I somewhat think the King asked it as more of a joke, not expecting an actual response. Her answer basically confirms she distances herself from her own husband and is concerningly intimate with her stepson, to a point where one questions if she is grooming him to be her future husband, since he "has potential".

Sure, the king may be a bad person, but the other noble families are also not the pinnacles of benevolence either. For one, they actively plot against the higher nobility. They have some good reasons behind it, but it is mostly for their own sake. They are against the king for how he taxes the people, but also dont like how he limits their power, but helps the Chade family. Maybe if they didn't actively plot against him, they would not be taxed and restricted as much.
Double-page supporter
Sep 27, 2019
@JavelinJoe Yeah pretty much using a guiding outline of the situation as the sole and only truth....And is this really kindness? I mean all her efforts are to not be killed....Then again she wanted to help him since he is cute...So I don’t know which answer is more troubling
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
That's one heck of a tunnel vision coming from JavelinJoe, not suprised coming from him tho.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
@Mewples, and here I just thought that he was implying as to who would be the stronger person, ruler of the house/evil Powe hand of the king. Guess that I missed the Oedipus Rex undertones. =P Also, I thought that she cares for him because his past is tragic? =P

@JavelinJoe lol Whereas I took it to be that she was a social climbing [insert pejorative of choice], who snuggled up to the Duke for wealth/power & subsequently treated Ain [inset terrible situation to act as a metaphorical comparison]. His amusement being largely a product of her turning away from
her far less superior/arrogant/cold behavior, and also his comment a result of testing to see which assassin master/lawful evil left hand of the king, she felt was more capable—and thus more capable of protecting her as a woman, her son or the duke—I guess the sexual undertones escaped me. =P

I figured that it was mostly about how she had snuggled up to the !ore powerful one, and since their family was notorious for breeding lawful evil monsters who act as the left hand of the king, it was a question of whom would better act in that capacity—he was testing them, and had attempted to trick her to choose between the two, neither choice was a good one. It was ultimately a trap. Only the third option was good, but I don't think that she realized what was going on. Heh.

As for them not being taxed if they didn't rebel, well, that would be if and only if the king was a just person who wasn't merely taxing them to limit their power to do harm or using the money nationally for the common good, but rather was also using that wealth for the obtainment or solidification of his own power. If the latter, then to think that not rebelling would magically change things is itself by definition an example of magical thinking, much like "trickle down" economics. =P
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Yeah, I dont think it is stated as to why he is restricting them, but I dont think this King is a greedy idiot. I think he is smart enough to know how and when to use his power to suppress revolts. All while not letting the people openly become angry (or pushing them too far to force them to become openly angry). The nobles had to meet in secret and all. So it seems it is about more personal power issues, than just benefitting the people. The Chade family, being the only loyal family left, acts as the King's tools to keep up with the current situations, and deal with the trouble discreetly.

Also, the Chade family likely became how they are now, because of their loyalty to the King interfered with the other families. They prevent a unification of all the nobilitys that are under the King to justify a revolt. So they became targets. Basically the revolting nobles created their own worst enemy, and are now suffering for it. Thats my guess anyways.
Double-page supporter
Sep 27, 2019
@TheDragonlord oh! You are here! Heheehheh ~
Her character did that all to him and then she got killed so..Nothing tragic has happened I guess
Feb 22, 2018
@TheDragonLord I think it's actually quite interesting to learn about what the real Roselia was like before this teacher isekai'd into her body. In chapter 4, the duke specifically says that the original Roselia never wanted to be the duchess, so most likely, she wasn't a social climber, but maybe her family was. Or she was actually a hostage, in the form of a wife against the nobles planning a coup against the king, which would explain her fervent hostility towards the Chades.
In chapter 3, it was said that Roselia never wanted ANYTHING to do with the duke, so it would stand to reason that her current distance from him shouldn't be seen abnormal to the king, but... it ...is? Which is, really, the biggest mystery/ plot continuity error here......
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
@vaia which is odd given that the story seems to contradict itself wherein it seems like she did cozy-up to the Duke, so it's really odd. =P

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