Well, regardless of our MC economical theories being right or wrong ... 60% direct tax? No wonder that land was a economic backwater ... people beheaded kings IRL for imposing lower taxes tan those
And before someone says "It is not direct tax, it is all the tax" , reread the MC reasoning on how lowering that tax will increase revenue. It is clear there is a VAT-like tax in there
on top of the other 60% tax in there , otherwise her own revenue would not increase by lowering direct taxes.
It has to be feudal level of decentralization
And if you read between the lines, it looks to be the case. In earlier chapters it was implied that the king expected nobles to bring their troops to defend against the invaders, so the political situation should be one of land granting vs military aid, with no direct taxation by the crown ( besides the crown lands, that is ). In fact , didn't our MC became a lord due to her military assistance ?