Jun 28, 2018
@Ovdose: with the amount of people working on I thought they would fix it, or maybe they thought it was funny as well so they left it

@labanina: buddy how about I remind you that you're reading shit for free illegally, I'm also translating illegally, for free, if I can't have some fun doing it then how about you go learn Japanese and read it yourself. If I don't do it then some other "slave" will do it eventually, or this is just one of the many free shit you can read, that's all it is for you, right? What a load of shit you are 😂
But I guess too bad it's not so shit that you'll actually do it yourself to improve your miserable life, eh
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
that's the biggest flipping turnover yet. I literally made a dent into my desk orz
it's so stupid, also, thanks to the comments, I've been informed. would've appreciated if the translators kept to the original translation but no harm in some fun. for typesetting stx. could've left the original russian and sub it with the translation. I literally thought MC just said that phrase out loud.
thanks for the translation, grateful regardless.
Jan 24, 2018
@yuushin if your group would spend more time proofreading your work to notice things like page 10's "how what are you going to [etc.]" and page 22's "earlier they told me they want to talk so get on the car, they will treat me food" instead of adding memes and multiple credit pages advertising your website, discord, and patreon, maybe people wouldn't call a shit tl a shit tl.
Dec 19, 2018
I would be very kind for the readers who comment nothing but shit about the translaters to simply shut the f#£%. Its a free to read translation and if you aren't satisfied with that why not get off your lazy ass and learn some japanese instead so you won't be needing to visit this site just spread the toxicity. Have a nice day
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I might misremember, but wasn't hero ivanov's phrase entirely different? In the first place, wasn't that song far more modern?
Either the mangaka took som serious liberties in attempt to ruin things, or the tl might be worse at the language than first expected. Or I suppose my memory might be a sieve. I would give it 20-20-60 chances respectively
Jun 25, 2018
Maybe the translator should just stop translating this manga, lets see how long it takes for another translator to pick it up ? If all those guys who keep complaining get no chapters anymore, i wonder if they would start thinking differently.

Anyway it its not like you guys dont have brain and are not able to correct those sentences. I think you guys understood what she actually wanted to say, no?
Jun 25, 2018
@FYZdnt Im grateful and im not complaining about the quality of the translation so i think your words shouldnt be targeted at me
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2019
@Flupser i'm sorry, i may have missunderstood you, but i know that translating is not easy and whoever is translating is doing a good job in general. discussing misstranslations shouldn't offend the translator, i think pointing out the mistakes is enough
Jun 25, 2018
@FYZdnt I was talking about how the meaning of the words the mc spoke still got across and we understood its meaning and that those guys who are complaining about this should just stop taking everything for granted. The translator is doing this stuff in his free time, he is able to read manga in japanese, what obligation does he have to translate it to english for us? So i said that he should maybe stop translating the manga , maybe then those shitheads would start thinking differently and realize their stupid behavior. Im currently learninig the japanese writing system myself and learning thousands of kanji is a pain in the ass and if i read such comments i doubt that i will start translating manga in the future and will be just reading it raw for my own enjoyment since i like learning languages
Jun 28, 2018
Too bad it's not so shit that you'll actually do it yourself to improve your miserable life, eh
FYI I'm just a translator, not proofreader/editor, the memes maybe mine but credits and what not aren't my idea. I'm translating 3 series at the same time while working full-time, using only my shitty phone. What have you done?

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