I consider what happened to maid dragon's anime a bastardization
I consider the complete stripping of everything that makes it not western made a bastardization
you want to call someone miss woman instead of woman-san, I deal with it
on the feminism... maid dragon is the worst one, but you also have other like gestalt, watch the english va and then when you hit THAT voice, switch to the japanese and why in the hell did they do THAT to it?
then you also have negima where the translator did such a bad job the first 3 volumes had to be redone... that was more incompatance than bastardization
you have the anime isekai reviewers that got a 'mah standards' removal from the west due likely exclusively politics (the episode they stopped on was the genderbend episode)
you have companies that completely killed anime in the west, see 4kids one piece which after 4kids ruining the series never picked up speed again officially and the only people this appeals to now is the more weeb crowd where as it had every right where dragonball is.
I can deal with changes due to them not working in spoken english, like the honorifics, but written, the entire reason i'm reading japanese comics is because of how thoroughly the west screwed comics up, I don't want your politics, I don't want your westernization, I want what was written, give me an end note as to who the pop star is, don't just change the name to britney spear. I want to read Akria Tomoki for the name not John Doe. Don't censor the goddamn book either, oh no there is a bit of cleavage and we can't have that for the wider audience, wait, this adult book has boobs, well we want to sell it to 12 year olds so censor it all.
But that's just me, I WANT the western publishers to die, I WANT them to go away, they only serve as a vector for bad influence, and sadly due to how bad they are paid in the west, it attracted cultural marxists to the job who are willing to live with 8 roomates in a broomclosit just so they have influence. but my hate of the western side is old, in japan 10$ would get you 4 chapters of something like 20 stories, while where I lived, 10$ doesnt even pay for half of a mainstream book, sure prices went up in the years since then, but in japan a main stream book still costs close to 1/5th it does in the west and well under if you have a weekly/monthly, also not 100% but it seems like there is a way to stream manga for extremely cheap in japan too, so my hate of the western industry is very old, from when they didnt care about quality and just putting crap out for a stupid price to now where they inject politics or are willing to do so so I cant trust them till the manga is well over and done.
no, my hate of the industry inst from reading it here first or seeing our translations, hell im willing to watch many anime's second run and background watching in english, but lets bring it back to maid dragon, just the phrase in japanese "But i'm a woman" to the dubs "But i'm straight" is enough for me to call it a bastardization due to it completely changing the context for the interactions going forward.